
382 13 0

"I'd rather spend
one moment with you,
than spend an eternity
in heaven without


A rustle came from the thickets behind them. Delilah jumped off of Avia's back and pointed her gun at the bushes. Avia took out her knife.

"Hello?" Avia called out in a timid voice. Delilah stood up straight, frowning.

"Come out!" Delilah said. Avia closed her eyes, waiting for an answer. She heard someone emerge from the thicket. "Louis!" Delilah cried out, running into his arms. Avia opened her eyes and smiled.

"Thank god." She looked at his arm. "Are you ok?" Avia asked.

"Are YOU ok?" He asked, letting go of Delilah.

"We just heard some gunshots. It kind of scared us..." Avia replied, rubbing her elbow. Louis crossed his arms.

"You're outside the safe zone." Louis said. "Do you guys know where you're heading?" He asked. Delilah nodded

"It's over there." She pointed down deeper into the woods. Avia furrowed her brows in worry.

"I don't think we should go." She said. Louis nodded.

"Gunshots aren't good, Delilah. We should just... go." He said. Delilah looked down in sadness.

"No... I wanna go." She said in a quivering voice. Avia shook her head.

"Don't cry, Dee! We'll go!" She gave in, looking up at Louis. He shrugged, shaking his head.

"Really?! Okay, let's go!" She started walking deeper into the forest, looking back at them.


The three of them stopped in front of a river. It had a dock leading out onto the water, a hut on the left of it. Delilah ran into the hut.

"Hey, wait!" Avia whispered. She ran after her, Louis following behind. Delilah tried the door knob.

"It... won't... open!" She whined in frustration. Avia grabbed Delilah's arm and pulled her away.

"You can't do that!" Avia said. Louis walked up beside her.

"It was just a mistake. She's still a kid, Avi." He said. Delilah nodded and crossed her arms. Avia noticed a window on the side of the hut.

"Hey. Maybe if we break that window, we could get in the hut, grab the bag and go." Avia said.

"Yeah. But do you have anything to break it with?" Louis asked. Delilah searched her pockets and took out a small stone.

"This?" Delilah handed the stone over to Avia. She examined it.

"Maybe." She chucked the stone at the window. It cracked a bit, but not enough to be able to get through. "Dammit." She said to herself. Louis looked around. He walked over to a rock near the river bank.

"Try this." He handed it over to Avi.

"Hopefully this-" she threw it at the window. The glass flew everywhere, cutting Avia's cheek and arm. Some hit Delilah, put it only broke some skin. Louis was far enough to not get hit. "... works..." Avia finished off.

"Jesus, are you ok?" Louis asked, looking at her arm and cheek. Delilah rubbed her arm.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get the-" Avia slowly turned around.

"Walkers!" Delilah called out. "What do we do?!" She asked, looking around frantically. Avia froze in fear. She looked at window. It was too sharp to get through. She didn't want Delilah or Louis to get hurt.

"Louis, go with Delilah! I'll meet you back at the school!" She said.

"But-" he shook his head. "Ok! Come on!" He said, running into the woods with Delilah behind him. Avia took a deep breath and crawled through the window, some glass cutting her stomach and chest. She cried out in pain as she fell into the hut. Avia spotted the bag, and grabbed it.

She opened it up, revealing a flashlight, a knife, an old coat and a small action figure. The walkers clawed at the hut's walls and door. Avia looked at the crates piled up in the corner, and quickly stacked them up in front of the door. The door was giving in.

"Come on!" She said to herself as she piled more and more crates up. After barricading the door, Avia sat down in the corner, taking out her knife. It would take the whole night for the walkers to limp away or maybe a day.

She looked at the window. It was high enough to the point where walkers couldn't reach it.

Avia sighed and took out the flashlight. It still worked, but it was useless right now. She put the flashlight back into the bag and took out the coat. It had a hole in it, but it was in great condition. It's pink color was fading into a lighter pink. She stuffed it back into the backpack and sighed.

She could be here for the whole night.

Maybe a whole week if it was that bad.

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