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"There are many things
I'd like to say to you,
but I don't know how."


Avia trudged into her cell, weakly closing the door behind her. She walked to the corner of the room and sat down, curling up into a ball. Her skin turned pale. Avia heard someone creep into the hallway.

"Clem?!" Aasim whispered. She heard Omar gasp.

"Aasim! Omar!" Clementine smiled. Aasim looked over at Louis, who was standing beside Clementine with a worried look on his face.

"Where's Avia?" Louis asked.

"Over there." Omar whispered, nodding over to the cell Avi was in. Louis peered into the cell.

"Avi!" He said, trying to open up the door. Minnie appeared behind them.

"I'll help you get them out! Just be quiet." Minnie said.

"Thanks." Clementine said. Minerva opened the cell door to Avia's cell, along with the door to Aasim and Omar's cell. Louis ran in.

"Avi...?" He crept up closer to her. Avia sobbed quietly, shaking. Louis put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ugh!" Clementine cried out as Minnie hit the back of her head with her cross bow. Minerva quickly locked all the cell doors and called for Dorian.

"What the hell?!" Louis yelled through the bars. Avia slowly got up, still facing the wall.

"Louis...?" She whispered quietly, looking up at him. Avia held her left hand in her right, her eyes wide open. Louis took a step back in shock.

"What did they do?!" He said, looking at her severed finger.

"She tried kicking the damn door down. Minnie complained to one of the soldiers about it and they came down, dragged her out of the cell and cut it off all because Avi flipped them off when she arrived." Aasim explained. Louis frowned.

"Why... Louis, why?" Avia shook her head. Louis came up to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm... sorry." He whispered. Avia pulled away.

"You said that you would protect me." She cried. Louis stepped back, looking at her in shock.

"I-" he looked down in sadness.

"When... when it happened, I didn't even see you. Say goodbye to you or Delilah." Avia froze. "Is she.. ok?" She asked, her eyes widened.

"I don't know, Avi. She was... she didn't look good." He said, scratching the back of his neck. Avia covered her face.

"I shouldn't of trusted you. Louis-" footsteps came from the hallway as soon as Clementine woke up. The same woman with the short brown hair came over to Clementines cell. She opened up her cell and sat down on the bed, talking to her about something. AJ was in the cell across from Clem.

"What?" Louis whispered. Avia shook her head.

"Aasim told me." She said. Louis looked at her in confusion.

"What did he tell you?" He said. Avia turned away from Louis.

"You.. like me. LIKE like me." She said. Louis turned red.

"He... uhm..." Louis stammered.

"Shut up!" Dorian said. Lilly smirked, then barked something at Dorian. Dorian nodded, opening up the cell Avi and Louis were in. She dragged Louis out, but suddenly stopped as Avia grabbed his arm.

"Louis!" She cried out, pulling him back. Dorian frowned. She tugged Louis harder, almost knocking back Avi.

"Let go of him before you lose another one of your fingers." Dorian threatened.

"Do it, then." Avia furrowed her brows, staring at Dorian. Dorian smirked.

"Alright." She let go of Louis.

"AJ, now!" Clem yelled. AJ leapt onto Dorian's back and bit down on her ear, causing Dorian to cry out in pain.

"Agh!" Dorian called out, kicking AJ off of her back. AJ landed on the floor, slowly getting back up.

"Dorian!" Lilly barked. Dorian covered her ear.

"But- my ear!" She said. Lilly shook her head.

"I don't care." Lilly said. Dorian furrowed her brows and ran back to Lilly. Louis stared at AJ in disbelief.

"Holy-" Louis managed to get out before seeing Minnie fall to the ground, and arrow lodged into her shoulder. "Minnie!" Louis ran out of the cell, heading over to check on her. Avia walked over beside him.

"You... knew her?" Avia asked. Louis nodded, looking back up at her.

"She used to be part of the school. She's actually Tenn's sister..." he said. "I think I heard Minnie say something about-" Louis paused, shaking his head in shock. "Killing Sophie... her sister..."

"Oh god..." Avia looked away, sighing. They were the only ones down in the hallway. Clem, AJ, Dorian, Omar, Aasim and Lilly ran off somewhere. Louis slowly got up, looking at Avi.

"... about what Aasim said-" the boat shifted. Avia gasped. "The bomb!" Louis said.

"The bomb? A bomb?!" Avia questioned. Louis looked around.

"We need to go, oh god we need to go!" He panicked. Avia closed her eyes, holding onto the wall.

"Louis, if we don't make it-" she opened her eyes again, looking at him. "I- I love you!" Avia yelled before the boat shifted one last time until bursting into flames.

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