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"I feel like I'm
waiting for something
that isn't going to


It's been a day. A day since she's left the school.

Aasmin and Omar were quiet most of the time, but now and then they would start arguing about something.

Avia just wanted to get off this boat.

Aasim and Omar started arguing again.

"I'm telling you, they're not coming! Why would they come for us? So many of us died dude, it's pointless!" Omar said.

"Why would they NOT come for us?! Of course they're coming! They need us! And Louis also has a crush on Avi, so of course he's coming too. Well, he'll probably have to convince Clementine for him to come with them since he's so weak." Aasim replied. Avia's eyes widened.

"Wait, crush?" Avia said. Aasim sighed.

"Yeah... Louis has a crush on you. You didn't notice?" Aasim shook his head. "All those times he said, 'I can't lose you', you still didn't know?"

"Well, I thought that's what friends say." She replied. Aasim chuckled. "What? I've never had any friends in and out of the apocalypse!" Avia said.

She noticed the sky getting dark. The stars shone in the night sky. Somewhere, out there, Louis and Delilah were looking up at the same stars. Avia rolled over and faced the wall.

"Walkers!" She heard someone yell. Avia quickly got up.

"What the hell?!" Aasim said, grabbing the bars and looking out onto the hallway. Avia did the same. Omar watched from behind.

"Walkers?!" Avia questioned. She heard tons of walkers in front of the boat, but she couldn't see them. Gunshots rang through the air as the walkers kept piling in. Avia paused. "Clementine told me about a guy named James that she met while walking back to the school that herded walkers." She said.

"Yeah, I know. But do you really believe her?" Aasim said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah! We weren't making any noise until now. How could they of possibly come just randomly?!" Avia said. Omar nodded.

"Yeah. We weren't making any noise." Omar added.

"Shut up, the three of you!" A girl with short red hair said.

"Minnie, stay here while I go looking out. We can't let any of them go." Dorian said. Minnie nodded.

"You have to let us go!" Avia whispered. Minerva looked over at her, furrowing her brows.

"Not a chance." She looked down the hall. "I saw you're friends down there. Don't even think that they could fool me." Minnie said in a threatening tone. Avia stepped away from the bars and sat down on the bed, trying to ignore the gunshots and walkers.

"Delilah!" She heard someone call out. Avia heard someone jump into the water, along with violent splashing.

"Oh my god!" Avia stood up and pushed on the cell door. "Open the damn door, Minnie!" Avi yelled. Minerva shook her head.

"What was that?!" Aasim asked.

"Get behind the trees! Ruby, get Delilah and get her behind the trees!" She heard someone call out. Avia kicked the door. Minerva shook her head and walked off to find a soldier she could complain to.

Avia kept kicking the door. It unhinged a bit, but not enough to break it off.

"Keep it up and we'll get our asses kicked!" Aasim whispered. Avia backed away, keeping her eyes on the door. She took a deep breath, and ran full speed at the door. Her leg gave in and hit the door with little force, causing her face to slam into the bars.

"Ugh!" Avia said as she hit the floor.

"Holy shit, you ok?" Aasim asked, trying to peek more out of the cell.

"Yeah, my leg just gave in." Avia said, getting up. Dorian came over to the cells.

"What the hell is going on here?" She asked, looking at Avia.

"She was trying to get the cell door open." Minerva said. Dorian shook her head.

"You're lucky that we're busy fighting right now, but don't think that you'll get away with it." She said in a stone cold voice. Dorian opened the cell door and grabbed Avia, dragging her out to the hallway. Aasim and Omar watched in terror.

"Let go!" Avia struggled, trying to squirm out of Dorian's grip.

"Here's a little lesson for the three of you." She got out her butcher knife, and grabbed Avi's left hand.

"No!" Avia tried to get her hand loose. Dorian held onto it firmly and put it down on the floor. Before Avia could say anything more, Dorian lifted up her knife in the air and swung it down onto Avia's middle finger.

"Remember when you flipped me off when you arrived? Thought you were safe." Dorian let go of Avia's hand and stepped back.

"W-what did you.... do..." Avia looked at her hand, which was shaking violently. Aasim and Omar looked away, avoiding eye contact with any one.

"Dorian!" She heard someone call. Dorian sighed and ran down the steps, Minnie following behind. Avia slowly got up, keeping her left hand up. She screamed right when she left her shocked state.

"God..." Aasim gagged. Avi leaned against the wall and slid down, curling up into a ball. A few minutes passed, and none of them said a word.
"Avi?" Omar whispered. Avia looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face.

"Get back in your cell."

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