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"There's nothing
that I wouldn't
do to make you
feel my love."


Avia stepped outside, and walked over to the group Louis was in.

"I'll go with Brody and Vi." Clementine said. Brody nodded, and started to lead the group out of the school grounds. AJ followed behind Clem. Aasim sighed.

"I guess it's just us, then." He looked over at Avia, then at Louis. "Come on." He started walking. Louis followed. Avia stayed at the back to make sure there weren't any walkers trying to sneak up from behind.

They stopped at a tree with a red ribbon tied around it.

"Here we are." Aasim said. Avi looked around, clearing her throat. She heard a noise coming from the woods. She quickly took out her hunting knife, taking a step back.

"Do you hear that?" She whispered over to the boys. Aasim stepped forward and took a look.

"It's just a walker in one of our traps." He pushed Avia out of the way, walking over to the walker. Avi frowned, looking over at Louis.

"Let's check it out." He ran over to where the trapped walker was and got out a chair leg with nails nailed into it. Avia laughed.

"What is that?" She asked. Louis smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, this? His name is Chairles." He replied, steadying it like he was about to hit a baseball. Avia flinched as he hit the walkers head. As it swung around it grabbed her hair.

"Louis! Hit it!" She cried out in fear. Louis quickly hit it until it let go, causing Avi to fall back on the ground.

"What the hell?" Aasim came running over, looking at Louis. He held out his hand to help her up.

"Thanks." She grabbed Aasim's hand and hoisted herself up. Louis frowned, crossing his arms. "And that's why I should cut my hair..." Avi muttered to herself.

"Come on. Help me get some rabbits." Aasim said.

They walked over to a bushy area. Louis came over too to shake the bushes. He shook one bush violently. A rabbit came hopping out, stopping and looking at Avi. Aasim handed her a bow. She grabbed it and aimed.

She looked at the rabbit's eyes, and they quickly remembered them of her past rabbit, Finnian. She lowered the bow, looking at him sadly.

"I... can't do it." Avia said. Aasim frowned.

"Why the hell did you come with us then? To hang out with your boyfriend Louis?" He took the bow away from her. She rubbed her elbow.

"I thought we were going to get deer or something like that." Avia replied.

"I wish." Aasim said. "Now go. I need to focus." He pushed her away lightly. Louis shook his head at Aasim.

"Seriously, dude?" Louis said. Avi walked away to a tree nearby and leaned against it.

Several minutes passed, and Aasim was still hunting for rabbits.

"We only got one. Not enough, but we really can't complain." He handed them over to Avia. She pushed them away.

"No thanks." She frowned. Louis shrugged and took the rabbits.

"Why-" Aasim stopped when he heard a twig snap in the woods. They all turned around and saw a figure dart behind a tree. Avia stepped forwards, taking out her hunting knife again.

"Hello?" She called out. No one answered.

"Maybe it was just a rabbit, Avi. Let's go." Louis whispered, grabbing her arm. She snatched her arm away.

"It was definitely a person. Probably a kid." She replied, walking slowly to the tree the person was hiding behind. Louis cringed, and took a step back.

"I know you're out here. I just want to-" something quickly kicked her in the stomach, and almost stabbed her stomach before stopping and gasping. She fell backwards, clutching her stomach.

"What the hell, kid?!" Louis yelled. Something tackled her and pulled her into a tight hug. The kid started sobbing quietly, but loud enough to notice that it was-


The girl that she raised was back again for the third time. Avia hugged back, ignoring the pain in her stomach. Uncontrollable tears streamed down her face.

"I missed you so so so so so so much, A-Avi!" Delilah coughed out. She looked up at Avia and smiled.

She looked like a totally different kid. Way more different than the little girl she knew.

Her hair was unkept, and a darker shade of black than before. It stopped at her shoulders in a frizzy mess. She wore blue overalls and a white dirty shirt underneath. Avia quickly turned her around and noticed that she still had the backpack she gave her.

"Are you ok?" Avi asked. Delilah nodded and hugged her again. Louis smiled. Aasim rolled his eyes and smirked for a second before changing his expression to a serious one.

"Can we go now?" He whined. Avi got up. Delilah took her hand and held it, still smiling up at her.

It's been a while since she felt this way. Finally happy.

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