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"Dreams do come true.
I know, because I
found you."


Avia sighed, looking down at the floor.

"She does this stupid thing that I used to do when this all started." Avia started. "Every time she gets in a situation that she can't get out of easily, she just turns on everyone and just... runs." She said. Louis got up.

"... anyways. How do you feel?" He asked, crossing his arms. Avi shrugged.

"Well, I was shot, and my hand has blood all over it." Avia said.

"Oh, you're fine." Louis smirked. She frowned. "I'm kidding!" He rolled his eyes, laughing. He sighed and slowly walked down the stairs. Avia watched him, lying back down on the couch. She looked up at the ceiling, closing her eyes.

A few minutes passed. She felt some pressure on the place where she was shot. Avia blinked, adjusting her vision to the light.

"That should do it." She heard Ruby say. Avia slowly sat up, looking down at her leg.

"Thanks." Avi said. Ruby nodded.

"No problem." She replied. "Oh, and Louis needs you. He's in the piano room." Ruby chuckled, looking around the room mischievously. Avia tilted her head, squinting.

"What is it?" Avi asked. "You know something that I don't." Ruby's eyes widened. She quickly turned back.

"Oh, nothing." Ruby whispered, slowly walking down the hallway. Avia shook her head and got up without trouble. She held onto the railing while walking down the stairs, her thoughts racing.

She made it to the piano room. Avia opened the door, but no one was inside. She slid in.

"... Louis?" She whispered. She waited for a minute before snooping around the room, examining the books on the bookshelf. Avi turned towards her guitar, but it was gone. She looked around. The door creaked open.

"Hey." Louis said, grinning. Avia looked over at him. He was struggling trying to keep an object behind his back, fixing his grip now and then.

"What's that?" She asked, trying to look over his back. Louis scratched the back of his neck, accidentally dropping Avia's guitar.

"Shoot..." he whispered. She looked down. The part that was chipped away was... fixed? She picked it up, taking a closer look at it. It looked shinier. The part that was fixed was painted over, a bit darker than the rest of the guitar.

"Did you do this?" She asked, looking at it in disbelief.

"Well, I got some help from Ruby, Clem and... Mitch, but-" Louis sighed. "He... died."

"Mitch died?" Avia whispered, furrowing her brows. "And all this time I thought he hated me..."

"He kind of did. But, he warmed up." Louis said. He frowned. "Oh, and I almost forgot. Violet helped too, but she didn't want to be mentioned." Louis added. Avia laughed quietly. Louis blushed.

"Well, thanks." She said.

"You're welcome." He smiled. Avia posted the wall up against the wall, looking up at Louis.

She got up on her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. Louis' eyes widened in surprise. Avia stepped back, blushing lightly.

"Hey, I was supposed to do that first!" Louis chuckled. Avi smiled.

"Beat you to it." She said. They both laughed.

"Anyways, you should try out your guitar." He nodded over at it. Avia walked over and picked it up, strumming the strings. She smirked.

"You... tuned the strings?" Avia said in astonishment. Louis nodded.

"I did that myself." He winked. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. She strummed the strings again.

"You don't know how much this means to me." Avia whispered.

"Oh, and." He added. "Ruby came back with Delilah. Delilah is ok, but she's still a bit cold from the water." Louis said. Avi let out a sigh of relief.

"Did... everyone make it?" She asked. Louis furrowed his brows.

"I might sound crazy, but, Clementine lost a leg." Louis said. Avia's eyes widened.

"What? How? Was she bit? Will she live?" Avia asked.

"She'll live, but we just need to leave her alone and let her rest. I'll give you updates, though." Louis said, smiling.

"Great." Avi said. Louis sighed, crossing his arms.

"We did it. It was super hectic, but we did it." He said, looking around the room while smiling.

"Yeah. You could say that." Avia added. "It wasn't really a win situation for me, but as long as I'm alive and with you, then yeah. We won." She laughed.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" He asked, sitting down at the piano.

"Mhm." Avia picked up her guitar and leaned against the piano while Louis played the song that they both made.

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