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"Every new beginning
comes from some
other beginnings


"Savannah! Harris!" Avia called out. The two twins shuffled over, looking up at Avia and Louis. Louis held out Avia's guitar, looking down sternly at the twins, especially Harris.

"So, who broke mom's guitar string?" Louis asked, smirking. Savannah looked over at Harris, who had his arms behind his back.

"I don't know." Harris said, looking around. Avia put her hands on her hips.

"Well it had to be one of you. Savannah?" She said, looking down at Savannah. Savannah shrugged.

"I was at the bench with Delilah!" She said. Avia looked over at Delilah who was sitting with AJ, talking.

"Dee!" She called out. Delilah said something to AJ before walking over to Avia.

"What's up?" She asked, looking down at the twins. She bit her top lip.

"Was Savannah sitting at the bench with this whole time?" She asked. Delilah grinned.

"No, but Harris was." She said. Harris looked over at Savannah, slyly. Savannah looked down.

"Savannah, did YOU do it?" Louis asked.

"Okay, fine. It was me!" She gave in, stepping forwards. Louis smiled, handing the guitar over to Avia.

"You're gonna have to pay, now!" He said, picking Savannah up. He started tickling her softly. Savannah exploded into laughter.

"Harris, come here." Avia said, pulling him aside.

"I promise that I didn't do it, mommy!" He said. Avia laughed.

"I know that you didn't." She said. Avia reached for her necklace and sighed, taking it off. Harris looked her, eyes wide.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Avia handed the locket over to him.

"You and your sister can have it." She said. Harris opened it, looking at the picture inside.

"Who is that?" Harris asked.

"Let's see, that's me." She pointed to herself in the picture. "And that over there is my mom and dad." Avia said. Harris smiled.

"Mommy!" Savannah said, running over. Avia sighed.

"Do you need me to fix your pony tail?" She said, getting down to Savannah's level. Savannah nodded, turning around.

Avia took off the hair tie, letting Savannah's curly, black hair fall loose. Harris watched as Avia bundled up Savannah's hair and tied it into a pony tail, letting her curly bangs fall above Savannah's face.

"And mommy, why won't Delilah play with us?" Savannah asked, pouting. Avia shrugged.

"She's sixteen. You guy's are six. I don't think she'd like to play with six year olds. And besides, you guys have each other." Avia said. "And you do know that Ruby sometimes plays with you guys too." She added. Savannah and Harris nodded.

"Yeah." Harris said. He looked over to the wood pile near the wall. "Savannah, let's go!" He said, running over to the wall. Savannah stepped back, but then stopped.

"And mommy." She said.

"Yes, Savannah?" Avia asked before walking up the steps.

"Can you tell daddy that I wanna try playing the piano today?" She asked. Avia nodded.

"I'll make sure to." Avia said. "Go play now!"

"Okay!" Savannah ran off to Harris, her pony tail bouncing behind her as she ran.

"Huh. Never thought that she'd want to play the piano." Louis said. Avia smiled.

"At least one of them are interested." Avia replied. They both sat down on the steps. Louis put his arm around Avi.

"Remember when you thought about leaving?" Louis said, looking over at her.

"I was really thinking about it, but I'm glad that I didn't." Avia said with a smile. Louis nodded.

"How do you feel about the school, now?" Louis asked. Avia laughed.

"It's the best thing that has ever happened to me." She said. Louis smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait a minute, you said that I was the best thing that has ever happened to you!" He smiled.

"... and you."


Well, that was the last chapter!

Thank you guys SO much for reading, I couldn't thank you enough.

If you guys would like me to write another book about Avia then just let me know, because I'm not really sure if I'll just do it randomly.

Anyways, thank you once again.

- Ahleyhxxx

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