0.1 | Johnny B. Goode

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roguhtayluh (you seemed the most excited about this)

Ring ring ring

Ring ring ring

"You've been dismissed, have a great summer students"

I smiled brightly at Mr. May, my favourite teacher before running out of the school.

It was a tradition for all the highschool students to go to the local diner after the last day of school and I needed to be there soon.

While I was running to the diner I quickly looked in a window to fix my hair.

I licked the palms of my hands and slicked the sides back a bit and made sure my curls were prominent at the front.

Before walking inside the building I took off my sweater vest and rolled the sleeves up on my shirt.

When I walked in my eyes were immediately fixated on someone.

I knew everyone in this town but I never saw this boy before.

He had long blond hair that went all the way to to his shoulders and he was wearing a leather jacket with a white t-shirt that had a black stain on the collar and his eyes were a bright green.

He was sitting at a booth all on his own, smoking a cigarette.

He looked a little sad and I wanted to sit with him but I knew my buds were expecting me to be there right at 3:20 and it was 3:19 I was never late and I wasn't changing that.

I quickly went over to our usual table and sat down with my friends.

I didn't have many friends but the three I had were enough, I had Rami who was a little bit of a troublemaker but he knew the score and what was going on with everybody and then there was Gwilym, he moved here from the UK a few years ago and we instantly clicked. Last but definitely not least was Lucy, she was the prettiest girl in the whole school and every guy wanted to get with her and she wasn't a dumb blonde, she was smart and was top of her class every year, she wasn't just school smart she was street smart too.

"Ay! Joey I thought you wouldn't make it!" Rami reached across the table and smacked my shoulder.

"Oi, go play some good tunes" Gwilym passed me 10 cents and pointed to the jukebox across the diner.

I got up and went to the jukebox.

I already knew what I wanted.

The newest Chuck Berry record was incredible.

I popped the 10 cents into the machine and it picked the record up and set it one the turntable.

The first song was Johnny B. Goode and it was one of my favourites.

I walked back over to my table but I made sure to get another glimpse at the new guy before sitting down.

All my friends were singing along and banging their hands on the table to the beat of the song.

I laughed and joined in.


It was getting close to 6 PM when we all started winding down.

But I knew my mom and dad were expecting me to be home by 6:30 so I said goodbye and grabbed my things then started waking home.

I put my hands in my pockets and picked up the pace a little.

I knew my father would have my head on a silver platter if I wasn't home on time.

I walked inside and said hello.

My mom walked out of the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek, leaving a stain from her red lipstick.

I walked upstairs and flung myself onto my bed so I was laying on my stomach looking out the window.

I noticed that the curtains in the house across from mine were open, that means that someone must've moved in since nobody has lived there for years.

I brought myself closer to the window and noticed the figure standing there.

It was him.

Harrison 🌹

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