12 | Burning Love

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Ben was dragging me down the stairs to go ask my parents if we could go out somewhere.

My parents were getting sick of me just randomly disappearing without telling them.

"Mom, can Ben and I go somewhere?"

My mom looked up from her magazine and glared at Ben like she usually would.

"Where are you two going?"

I shrugged and looked at Ben, hoping he had some sort of idea as to where he wanted to take me since he was the one who invited me out.

"We were just going for a walk around town." He smiled at my mom before grabbing his jacket off the back of the couch and walking to the door.

She didn't object to the idea so we both just took it as a yes.

I walked out the door with Ben and shoved my hands in my pockets.

It was windy outside but it could be worse.

I looked around and made sure that nobody was looking at us and I reached for Ben's hand.

I locked our fingers together and smiled at him.

He looked back at me with a rosy tint in his cheeks that just made him look adorable.


Ben and I were walking through a little wooded area until I found a little space without trees.

The sun was beaming down onto the green grass and the spot looked so warm and inviting.

I pulled Ben by his wrist and we sat down in the grass.

I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

I placed his hand in my lap and played with the rings on his fingers.

The wind started to pick up and I started to shiver because I never thought about bringing a jacket since it was sunny so I assumed it'd be warm.

Ben clearly noticed I was shivering and he slid his jacket off and draped it around my shoulders.

I wrapped the jacket tightly around my small frame.

I moved myself over a bit so I could sit in his lap.

He wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me in place and kissed my cheek.

I watched as a ladybug flew over and landed on Ben's forehead.

The small bug crawled down from his forehead and onto the tip of his nose.

He crossed his eyes to look at the bug that was perched on his nose.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He scrunched up his nose to get the bug to fly away and he looked back at me.

We both smiled at eachother and laughed like a couple of children.


I opened one of my eyes and saw Ben laying peacefully beside me.

I gently nudged his shoulder to try and wake him up and thankfully it worked.

He rubbed his eyes and inspected our surroundings.

It was starting to get dark and I new my mom would be expecting us soon.

I got up but Ben was still sitting in the grass and refusing to get up.

I grabbed his hand and helped him stand up.

We walked back out of the little forested area and started going back home.

Since I lived in a small suburban town not much went on during the evenings and it was always nice and quiet.

I looked up at the coral coloured sky.

The clouds were orange and there were still slivers of blue in the sky.

I tripped on one of my shoelaces and landed on my ass.

I just sat in the middle of the sidewalk, still looking at the sky.

Ben was walking slightly ahead of me so he probably didn't realize I fell.

Well, I thought he didn't notice but I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of Ben laughing.

I looked over at him and saw him laughing and wiping a tear from his eye.

I started laughing too and I wasn't even sure why.

Ben walked over and helped me stand back up then we continued on our journey home.

I really liked summer time because the sun didn't set until it was kinda late and that meant you could watch the sky turn a bunch of funky colours.

I always liked looking at the sunset and just admiring it's beauty.

Ben reminded me of a sunset.

I wasn't exactly sure why.


Once we got home my mom briefly lectured us about being late and how she didn't know exactly where we were but I blocked out half of what she said.

I did that every time she lectured me, I was just getting sick of it.

Ben and I walked up the stairs and I put on a record.

I sat down at my desk with an open notebook.

I grabbed a pencil and started doodling all over the page, most of it was just nonsense but I thought it was pretty.

I whistled along to the song that was playing and tapped my foot on the floor.

Ben walked up behind me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"I had a really nice time today" I sighed.

Ben nodded and smiled.

I set my pencil down and walked over to my closet to get changed into some pajamas.

I didn't really bother with actual pajamas, I threw on a large t-shirt and didn't even care about pants.

Ben followed suit and we both crawled into bed.

I traced small shapes on his chest and yawned.

I looked up at him.

"Hey, Ben"


"I love you"

I wondered if that was the right move or not. Was I rushing things?

"I love you too Joey"

Okay, that sucked :))
But I had a good day today bc I looked so masc and that felt amazing

Summer Lovin' ✩ Hardzello Where stories live. Discover now