11 | Come Fly With Me

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"Joseph, There's someone on the phone that wants to talk to you!"

I sighed with annoyance and threw my head back.

I gingerly kissed Ben's cheek and ran downstairs.

I took the phone from my mom's hand and put it up to my ear.


"What are we doing with that blond kid?"

"Gwilym, I've no idea what you're talking about."

I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Y'know, the one that was good at the drums"

"Oh, I dunno I was thinking we could practice with him and see if it works out"

I shrugged and twirled the phone chord around my finger.

"Alright, when will you be at Luc-"

"Um, can we just practice at Rami's house today?"

Gwilym let out another sigh.

"Yeah, I guess so"

Then he hung up.

I was still slightly confused because we usually had band practice on Wednesdays but since the band was Gwil's idea he had more power over when we practiced but I usually got to pick where we did.

I don't think any of the boys really cared that we weren't practicing at Lucy's house because her mom was getting really fed up with all the noise we were making.

I ran back up the stairs and looked for something to wear.

Ben was already dressed so I didn't need to worry about him.

He was brushing his long hair in the mirror across my room while I casually got dressed.

I patted his shoulder before gesturing for him to follow me downstairs.

We trotted down the stairs together and went down to the basement to grab my bass and amp.

Ben helped carry my amp out of the house and said we could drive his car to Rami's house which was very sweet of him because I definitely couldn't carry that amp all the way to Rami's house.

We walked across the street and carefully snook into Ben's garage just in case his dad was home.

He put my amp in the backseat and I kept my bass with me in the front seat.


"Great job guys, you too Ben" Rami wiped sweat off his forehead and craned his neck over to look at Ben and gave him a thumbs up.

I looked back at Ben also and we smiled at eachother.

I turned back around and set my bass against the wall.

"I'm gonna go get some water."

I heard Ben stand up from the squeaky stool he was sitting on and he followed behind me.

We both walked back into the house and went into the kitchen to get a couple glasses of water.

I turned the tap on and filled both our glasses until I was interrupted by the feeling of two arms around my waist.

"You sounded great Joey" Ben whispered and kissed my neck which sent a shiver down my spine.

I pulled his arms off my waist and turned around to face him.

I blushed and handed him his glass of water.

He gladly took it and downed it quickly.

I gave him a hug and kiss before turning around to go back out the the garage.

I saw Gwil sitting at the dining room table.

He was fidgeting with his hands and looked a little nervous.

I put a finger up to signal that I'd be out in a second.

Ben walked back out to the garage and left Gwil and I alone.

"What wrong buddy?" I asked.

He turned his head away from me and looked back down at his hands.

"I..I saw you and Ben in the kitchen."

I paused for a second, oh I was dead for sure this time.

"And it made me think...about someone"

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Whaddya mean?"

He shook his head and bit his lip.

I placed a hand on his arm to reassure him.

"I think I like someone Joey"

He looked up at me and the whites of his eyes were tinted a shade of red that contrasted from his bright blue irises.



I gasped and looked at him with surprise.

I started to piece together how obvious it was.

How awkward he'd act around him, the way he stared at him in math class and there were a million other examples.

"Please...don't tell anyone"

I held out my hand and stuck up my pinky.

He held his pinky out also and hooked it with mine.

"Pinky promise" we said in unison.

He smiled at him before we went back out to the garage to continue practicing.


"That was amazing guys!" Rami brought us all in for a group hug.

I unplugged my bass and switched off the amp.

"Seeya guys!" I waved at Rami and Gwil before happily walking out of the garage.

Gwil quickly ran up to me.

"Thank you." That was all he said before running back into the garage to talk to Rami.

I smiled and got myself situated in Ben's car.

We drove home in a comfortable silence, it was a silence we both needed after all the noise.

I just left my bass and amp in the living room because I couldn't be bothered to bring it back downstairs.

I walked back up the stairs and flopped down on my bed.

Ben laid next to me and turned onto this side.

I laid on my side also and lightly caressed his slightly bruised cheekbone with the back of my hand.

I placed a soft kiss on the small cut above his lip and his face turned a pale pink colour.

His hand glided up and down my back and he slowly pulled me closer to him.

He lazily laced our fingers together and planted a small kiss on the back of my hand.

I bit my lip and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"G'night Joey"

"Goodnight Ben"

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