20 | I'll Cry Instead

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(I'm gonna start using Beatles song titles even tho they're not from the 50's oops)

The next morning I woke up to a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." I said groggily.

I saw a tall figure in my doorframe and since I just woke up I couldn't quite tell who it was.

I rubbed my eyes as they walked over to sit on my bed.

"I was just coming to check on you" they said in a low and quiet voice.

I knew that accent anywhere. It was Gwilym. I smiled a little bit and looked over at him.

"How'd you know?"

"Your dad phoned and told us about the situation." He said sadly.

"What do you mean 'us'?"

"Rami and I were uh....listening to some records when your dad called."

I nodded and looked at my hands that were clasped tightly in my lap.

I thought about the events that occurred last night and started tearing up a bit.

Gwil clearly noticed and he tipped my chin up to look at him. My lip started trembling and I blinked a couple tears out of my eyes.

I sniffled and he pulled me into a hug with his cheek rested against the top of my head.

"It's gonna be okay buddy." He whispered as he stroked my back.

"Gwil..." I said quietly.


"What's gonna happen to the band?"

He paused for a moment.

"Honestly, I don't know. I guess we'll have to put off practicing until he comes back."

I sighed and looked up at him.

"What if he...doesn't come back" I whispered the last few words because it hurt me to say them out loud.

"You know he'll come back. You two can't stay away from eachother for longer than like an hour"

We both kinda chuckled and broke apart from the hug we were in.


I looked over at Gwilym to let him know I was listening.

"Wanna go for a walk? Y'know get some fresh air for a bit."

I nodded and got off my bed.

I grabbed Ben's jacket off the floor and slid it on.

Once I finished adjusting my hair in the mirror we were out the door in no time.

I kept kicking around a pebble I saw on the ground as we were walking. It was something that Ben did when he was sad or nervous and I seemed to have picked it up.

I smiled to myself as I thought about the walks I'd go on with Ben where we did nothing but talk for hours. It was always a nice time.

He wasn't even gone for a whole 24 hours but I missed him so much already. It felt like he's been gone for an eternity.

I guess Gwil was right when he said that we can't stay away from eachother for longer than an hour.


Gwil and I eventually ended up just sitting on a curb and talking about life and what's been going on lately since we didn't really catch up with eachother earlier.

He's been writing lots of new stuff for the band and he even had a couple pieces of paper with songs scribbled down onto them in his pocket that he showed me.

They were all really good and I wished Ben could see them.

But it sucked that we couldn't use them until Ben came back.

None of us wanted a new drummer now that we had Ben, he was like the glue that held our band together and we weren't replacing that anytime soon.

I played with the ring on my finger while we were talking and Gwilym took note of my new accessory.

"Where'd you get that?" He asked.

"Ben gave it to me right before he left, he said it was something to remember him by"

Gwil smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"That's really sweet."

"Yeah..it is" I sighed as I looked at the sunset on the horizon.

I mentioned before that Ben reminded me of a sunset, but I still never knew why.

I think it's because of the colours. Colours are different, they come in all different shades and hues and Ben was different.

He wasn't like anyone I'd ever met, he had a hard exterior but he really was the most genuine and sweet person I'd ever met.

All of this probably sounds stupid and cheesy anyway, it's just mindless rambling really.

I looked back over at Gwilym who had his head resting on his hand that was propped up against his knee.

He grinned at nothing in particular and stood up, brushing off his trousers.

"Well, I'd best be going now." He sighed, looking down at me.

I stood up and he brought me into a hug.

"I'll see you around." I said, pulling away from the hug.

He nodded and smiled at me before spinning on his heel and going in the opposite direction to get back to his house.

I did the same and started walking down the sidewalk back to my house.

I stuck my hands in the back pockets of my jeans and whistled a little tune to myself.

It was actually a little harmony that I thought would go well with one of the songs Gwil wrote.

I think it was called Doing Alright or something like that, I don't quite remember.

I couldn't wait until Ben could hear it.

Me @ this chapter:


Sorry I didn't update for so long again! I ended up getting caught in some personal stuff blah blah blah

But this happened a few days ago and I FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!

Harry 💚

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