0.3 | Tutti Frutti

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I woke up rather abruptly to the sound of my dad banging on my door.

I bolted upwards and squinted so I could get used to the light in my room.

"Joseph, your friends here" he shouted through the door.

I still cringed at my full name being used, I hated it but whenever I brought it up my parents would just scold me for it so I had to grit my teeth and bear it.

I grabbed a Madras shirt and brown trousers and quickly put those on.

I ran into the bathroom and greased the sides of my hair back before going downstairs to see who was waiting there.

It was Ben?

He was sitting on the couch taking a sip out of a bottle of coke.

The green glass matched the colour of his eyes.

He got off the couch and grabbed his jean jacket off the back of the couch. I was amazed that he wasn't wearing that damn leather jacket of his.

My mom stopped me before I walked out the door.

"Tuck your shirt in, you look like a bum"

I rolled my eyes at her and tucked my shirt in before walking out the door with Ben.

We were just going to the park, y'know to get to know eachother a bit better.


We sat down on the top of a hill.

He took his jacket off and I noticed how defined and toned his arms were.

Don't think like that

I whipped my head back around to look in front of me.

"I think your folks hate me" he said quietly

"Yeah, they don't really like..." I trailed off also he couldn't hear the last bit.

"They don't like what?"

"...Greasers" I finished my sentence

"I'm sorry" I said quickly, I didn't know if he thought the term was offensive or not.

"Don't sweat it, I've been called way worse"

"So, Joey what do you do for fun?"

"I'm in a band"

He looked at me and smiled.

His smile was so nice.

Don't think like that, it's wrong.

I pushed that thought out of my head, I should've never said that.

"What about you?"

"Oh, I work on cars and stuff, I drag race and whatnot"

"Wow, I would never be allowed to do that."

"Well, my parents don't care about what I do and what I don't do, they don't care about the fact that I dropped out or that I've gotten into legal trouble. I walk into that house and they don't care, I walk out of that house and they don't care"

He looked sad while he was taking.

"Sorry, too soon" he layed down in the grass.

"It's fine" I replied.


Ben pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his pocket.

He handed one over to me but I pushed it away.

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