23 | Build Me Up Buttercup

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(some stuff is gonna go DoWn in the next chapter btw)

The next day Ben and I decided to wander over to Rami's house to surprise him and maybe start practicing again.

I grabbed my bass from the corner of my room, brushed some of the dust off of it and brought it out to Ben's car.

He went down to the basement to fetch my amp while I was putting my bass in the backseat.


When we made it to Rami's place I happily hopped out of the car and grabbed my bass.

I trotted up the front steps and knocked on the door. Ben had hid behind me so Rami didn't see him immediately.

I heard some talking on the other side of the door and then some shuffling and eventually Rami opened the door.

"Heya Joey, whaddya doing here?"

"Well, I've got a surprise for ya!"

Ben jumped out from behind me and Rami screeched like a little girl. Rami ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"God, it's so nice seeing you again!" Rami said before letting go of Ben and directing us to go in the house.

We sat down on the couch and I set my bass against the armrest.

"So, are you gonna invite Gwil over for a little jam session?" I asked.

"Well, about that." Rami replied, motioning towards the stairs.

Almost like it was on cue, Gwilym came stumbling down the stairs, straightening his shirt and attempting to fix his messy hair.

"Oh, hi Joe. Hi Ben" he mumbled as he walked over to the couch.

"Wait-" he squinted and looked over at Ben.

"Oh my god! It's Ben!"

Gwil practically jumped up and down once it finally set in that Ben was sitting right in front of him.

Gwil gave Ben a hug and sat down next to Rami.

"So, do you guys wanna practice anything?" Ben said.

All of our eyes lit up and we ran out to Rami's garage to start playing some new songs.

Most of them were written by Rami since he was the most creative person of the group but Gwilym had also come up with alot when Ben was gone.

The both of them threw their sheets of paper down on the table and let me look through them. Since I was the singer of the band I mostly got to decide what we'd use and what we wouldn't.

I read through the songs and I liked them all but there was one that Gwil wrote that stuck out to me.

It's was called Doing Alright and it just seemed the best out of all the other songs so I decided we'd work on that one for a bit.

I showed the song to Ben and he seemed to take quite the liking to the song also.


After awhile of just reading over the song we decided who'd get which line.

Ben was going to get the first few lines then there was going to be an instrumental break. I got the next few lines after that and Rami and Gwil shared the last verse.

Once we had all of that sorted out we were ready to actually start playing the song together.

Gwil, Rami and I tuned our guitars and Ben fixed up his drum set so it was satisfactory.


Once we felt out the instrumental and were happy with it we were actually gonna start singing.

I turned around while plucking away at my bass and I watched Ben sing.

He looked so consentrated and happy and don't even get me started on how angelic his voice was.

The look on his face was one I wanted to cherish forever.

I quickly realized his verse was over so I spun around to my microphone and sang my verse and I was pretty happy with the way it sounded.

Gwil and Rami finished off the song and we were all satisfied with how it sounded.


Once we practiced that song and a couple others and were happy with our progress we all sat down on the couch and got comfortable.

I curled up on the couch and snuggled closer to Ben.

I looked over at Rami and Gwil. Gwilym had his arm around Rami's shoulders and was holding him close.

I looked up at Ben and he looked at the pair in front of us.

He chuckled and they quickly untangled themselves from eachother.

The both of them turned a shade of crimson and had the most embarrassed look on their faces.

"Hey, guys" I piped up.

They looked over at me and nodded.

"You know it's fine right?"

They exchanged a glance and looked back over at Ben and I.

All four of us shared a laugh and started talking about a possible gig in a coupe of weeks since it had been so long since our last one and we all missed performing.


When Ben and I got home we snuggled up on the couch and watched reruns of I Love Lucy for a few hours until we both got bored and fell asleep.

That was shitty lmaooo
It's been a hot minute since I updated so I apologize for that
I love you
Harry  💙

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