0.4 | Stupid Cupid

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(next couple chapters are gonna be v short bc it adds an effect idk)

All night I thought of Ben. I didn't know why but I just couldn't get him out of my head no matter how hard I tried.

It's just Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben all the damn time.

It's something about him, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I heard tapping on my window.

Speak of the devil.

I looked out to see Ben sitting on his roof, throwing rocks at my window to get my attention.

I opened my window so it was just wide enough for me to squeeze through and I sat out on my roof also.

Our houses were so close that we could hear eachother talking clear as day.

I stared at him while he spoke, I paid attention to every detail on his face and the way his mouth moved when he spoke and the way his eyebrows moved when he got excited, I loved the little slit in his eyebrow.

God, you sound so gross.

I blinked hard to try and focus on what he was actually saying.

I hated the inner conflict that was constantly going on in my head, I really liked Ben but I wasn't sure why I thought of him like this.

Did I love him?

He's a man, you could never love another man, are you stupid?

I got frustrated again.

"I should be getting to bed now, goodnight Ben"

He waved at me and I crawled back inside through my window.

I flopped on my bed and sighed.

I turned over to face my wall and squeezed my eyes shut.


I was awoken by the sound of loud tools coming from across the street.

I rubbed my eyes and looked out my window.

There he was in his garage, working on a rather nice car.

I grabbed my usual sweater vest, white shirt, beige pants and tie.

I tucked my shirt in as I was walking out the door to go inspect what Ben was doing.

I speed-walked over to Ben's open garage and stood in front of him while he was still under the car.

"Hey Benny" I said enthusiastically.

He jumped up a little bit and hit his head on the bottom of the car while he was trying to roll out from underneath it.

That was followed by many curses and a couple apologies.

He rolled himself out from under the car and smiled up at me.

"Hey Mazz, I didn't know you would be here"

He got up and wiped his hands on a towel he had sitting next to a wrench.

"I was gonna come by later but it looks like you beat me to it" he kinda chuckled while he talked.

I thought he had a really nice laugh.

Jesus Christ, quit it.

I sighed heavily and we started walking out of his garage and up to his room.

Summer Lovin' ✩ Hardzello Where stories live. Discover now