0.9 | Suspicious Minds

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I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door before either of my parents could talk to me or criticize the way I was dressed.

I speed walked all the way to the diner just so I could meet Ben on time.

I was really worried about him, with the small bits of yelling I actually heard his dad was absolutely furious and when he came to the window he looked so hurt.

I sat down at one of the booths that were close to the door so Ben could spot me easily.

I kept glancing at the clock as the minutes started passing and I was afraid he wasn't gonna show.

It was almost half an hour that I was waiting for him but then he finally came in the door panting.

He sat down across from me and held his face in his hands.

I pulled one of hands off his face and saw that he was crying.

He kept the other hand on the right side of his face and made sure it was covered by his hair.

"Ben, what happened?" I asked with sympathy evident in my voice.

"Th-the old man started hittin' me again and calling me names, hasn't done it in ages" he gulped and took his hand off his face.

He moved his hair off his face and revealed a bright purple bruise on one of his cheekbones and a cut above his lip.

He wiped his tears with his sleeve and looked out the window.

"I jus' don't know what to do" he sighed.

I put my hand on his arm and rested my head on my free hand.

I wanted to help so badly but I didn't know how.

My parents already disliked him and they've only met him once, I constantly hear them talking behind his back and it's disgusting some of the things they say about him.

He was my friend and I was gonna help him, I needed to.

"Wanna go back to mine and listen to a record or somethin'?"

He shook his head.

"I don't want my dad to get any more mad than he already is."

"Ben, it's really not safe for you there I can't let you go back"

He looked over at me and the whites of his eyes were rimmed with red and his cheeks were wet from tears.

"Please, let me help you"

He seemed to give it some thought then he nodded.

We smiled at eachother but right then and there Lucy stormed into the diner.

We hadn't talked since we went to the drive in.

She glared and me and scowled.

"Joseph, I'm mad at you"

I was utterly confused and it was evident on my face.

"I wanted some backseat bingo but you left me for...for that!" She pointed at Ben.

Ben looked as confused as I did.

"That's all you wanted from me? I invited you to the drive in because you're my friend, not a quick lay"

"That's the only reason I went with you!" She threw her hands in the air and walked behind the counter for her shift.

"What was that about?" Ben asked.

"Oh, that's Lucy and she's not usually like that I promise, she's usually really nice I don't know what's gotten into her"

Ben shrugged and sat back.

I looked at the clock and it was a bit passed 7.

"I think we should get heading back."

Ben nodded and sat up, he slid on his leather jacket and waited for me by the door.

We started walking back quickly because it was a little cold out and we were both a nervous about what my parents would say about Ben staying for a while.

I just hoped that they'd say yes.

I opened the door quietly so I didn't disturb my parents.

Well, that didn't work.

My dad hopped off the couch and walked over to Ben.

His eyes scanned Ben's whole body then he looked back over at me.

"Why's he here?" He asked.

"Uh...Ben needs somewhere to stay f-for a little while and I thought you wouldn't mind if he stayed with us." I forced out a weak smile.

My dad looked back at my mom and shrugged.

"He can stay for now"

"Thanks!" Ben said happily.

We raced eachother up the stairs to my room and he won.

I fell back on my bed and Ben flopped down next to me.

He wrapped his arms around my torso and hugged me tightly.

I ran my fingers through his long hair, being careful to avoid any of the prominent knots.

He brought his hand up to my face and brushed the corner of my lip with his thumb.

I inched closer to him until our lips met.

He pulled away and pressed our foreheads together.

"Thank you so much Joey"

"No problem." I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

I sat up and walked over to my bookshelf to put on a record.

"What do you wanna listen to?"

"Uh...Elvis sounds nice"

I nodded and flipped through my records.

I pulled out one of my few Elvis records and carefully set it down on the turntable.

I brought the needle over and turned the volume up a little bit so it could be heard throughout the whole room.

I walked back over to the bed and Ben had his arms open.

I layed back down and crawled into his arms.

I snuggled into his chest and smiled softly with my eyes closed.

He kissed my forehead and sighed.

"Mm goodnight Benny"


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