0.2 | Easy Living

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"Joseph, could you bring our new neighbors these cookies?" My mom asked while handing me a container that was filled to the brim with cookies.

I happily agreed since I might get to know that mysterious blond kid better

I quickly adjusted my tie then grabbed the cookies and ran out the door to the house across the street.

I looked down at my shoes and made sure they were tied before knocking on the door.

I heard shuffling coming from the other side of the door then someone answered.

I looked up so I could see them.

Of course, it was the blond kid. He cocked an eyebrow at me and leaned in his doorway.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I froze up a little.

I held the cookies in front of me and smiled weakly at him.

"Uh...Hello, I'm Joey and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood"

"Thanks" he grabbed the cookies and slammed the door in my face.

He had a deep British accent and reeked like cigarettes.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and walked back to my house.

I went into the living room and picked up the phone.

I put in Lucy's number and listened to the phone ring.

I twirled the cord around my finger while waiting for someone to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" It was Lucy's mom

"Hello Mrs. Boynton, could I please speak to Lucy?"

"Yeah, give me a second"

I heard Lucy's mom call her name and she stomped down the stairs.

"Hey, Joey"

I smiled.

"Wanna go to the drive in later? They're supposed to be playin' something scary"

"Sounds nice"

Then she hung up.


I sat down at my desk in my room and started writing a few lines for a new song.

Gwilym, Rami and I are all in a band and I sing and play the bass. We needed new material since the clubs we were playing at were getting sick of all the same songs.

None of the songs were very rock and roll because if we played that nobody would listen. I wanted to play Elvis but nobody in this neighborhood would be caught dead listening to Elvis.

I thought he was pretty tuff.

Tuff and tough are two different words, tuff means something is cool and tough just means tough. I learned that from one of the greasers at my school.

I wish I could hang around the greasers more often but if my mom found out I was with those hoods she'd murder me.

I looked up from my paper and looked out my window.

It was the blond kid.

He was standing in his room lifting weights.

My lips parted slightly and I found myself staring.

I snapped myself out of my daze and looked back at my paper.

If anyone saw me looking at another man like that they'd slap me.

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