{Their Reaction When You're Hurt.}

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She would always be the first to rush up to you, her caring nature evident as she quickly tended to your wound with gentle hands, making sure you were comfortable and feeling better before anything else.

He would watch for any danger, ready to swiftly intervene and kill off any threat that may harm you. All the while ensuring your safety and well-being by assessing your condition afterward.

He would always be there for you, staying by your side no matter what. He'd offer you his pain pills and make sure you were safe, especially if no one else had any health kits to share.

He always carried a full first aid kit to every fight, ready to assist any teammate who needed help. He made sure that everyone, including you, stayed in good condition throughout the match. This commitment to caring for others continued until his last breath.

Quietly, he would carefully wrap bandages around your injuries to protect them, all the while examining your body for any additional wounds. His face, though usually unreadable, would reveal a deep sense of worry and care as he assured you that he would only go to such lengths for you.

Rochelle: If neither she nor the team has a health kit, she will reassure you that everything will be okay, and she will keep encouraging you that you will survive until you locate a first aid kit or reach a safe room.

He is always ready to assist you in any way possible. If he encounters a challenge, he will guide you step by step to the next safe room. During the journey, he will share engaging stories to keep you entertained and make the time pass swiftly.

If you were injured badly, he would lift you gently in his arms and carry you to safety, despite the risk of getting hurt himself. He would prioritize your well-being above his own safety, showing his unwavering dedication and selflessness towards his friends.

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