{Hobbies To Do With Them.}

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Sit and laze around in the saferooms. Sometimes she talks about her interests before the infection. You talk about your interests too. It's nice to find someone else who enjoyed the same once peaceful activities from the past. You never usually connected with anyone else like you have with Zoey.

Show off about how many infected you can kill. Sometimes you'll impress him, and sometimes he'll impress you. Either way you two have fun showboating to each other and teasing. It usually leads to you competing about.. other things, but either way it's still fun.

Tell small jokes to one another while traveling. It helps pass the time and is cute to hear his little laugh now and then. You managed to find an old joke book among travelling, with the two of you finding new material to laugh about. The others didn't mind, even finding a few of them funny.

Bill: You and he help plan your trips and where you're going next with the group. Both of you connect through being responsible planners. He's grown to be like a father figure to you, showing you how to be a leader before his 'Passing'.

Flirt. Even though it doesn't really seem to get much of a reaction from him, you enjoy messing with the conman. You usually keep it at an innocent level, saying the common cheesy pickup lines now and then. When you're alone though.. he does a little more than flirting.

Talk about pre-infection events, and what your life was like in the past. Surprisingly, though, you find out that she was with a local news channel. You've watched it before everything went down. The bonding explains why you trust her so much to begin with, and why you grew strong feelings for her.

You listen to his stories and he loves you for that. You're the only one who listens to them without cutting him off in the group. He'll ramble off about Keith and his strange mall stories, you can't help but gush over how cute he is while doing so. Sometimes you'll share things about yourself. You enjoy that you feel heard when you're with him.

You and him find resources and food on your trips with the group. You are the main lookouts and keep them well-fed. He enjoys having someone else who's responsible in the group.

(Oneshots overhaul/Hiatus) L4D/L4D2 x Reader Oneshots and Scenarios.Where stories live. Discover now