'Frenemies' {Francis x Rival! Reader.}

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Requested by: Anon.
Art by:  Skatanic on Deviantart

( This was originally supposed to be a Francis x Insecure! Reader, but changed it to rivalry accidentally. I'll do a Francis x Insecure reader in the future so don't worry. )

It was a rainy day when you and the others made your way through the crowded streets, killing infected by the dozen. The group consisted of Zoey: the smart and well planned girl who would know what to do in the hardest of times. Louis: the careful and caring guy who made sure to take care of everyone's wounds. Bill: The tough love kind of man who'd look a little aged but was more experienced then anyone else in the group. Francis, the rude biker with a scowl always on his face, would make sure everyone knew how much he despised everything around him. Whether he was grumbling about the weather, the food, or even the music playing, his negative attitude never seemed to fade away. It was rare to catch him with a smile or a kind word, as his sour demeanor seemed to overshadow any fleeting moments of positivity.. To be honest, you don't know why he piqued your interest so much; sure he was handsome in a rugged way but he was still a jerk. You tried to deny it to yourself and not believe that you could actually like someone in your close group, let alone him. You two would talk now and then, get into friendly fights with one another; sometimes the group had to break it up because it would get too aggressive.

"Seems like a safe room up ahead" Bill told the group, bringing you out of your thoughts about Francis. "How can you tell?" Zoey asks, looking around for any indication. Bill pointed to a safe room sign, the group now relieved since it's been hours of them walking from the previous room. You smiled with a relaxed sigh, mumbling "Thank god, I think I need a break from all the walking, my legs are killing me."

Francis chuckled from behind you, asking "What's a matter? need me to carry you princess?"

You squinted your eyes at the biker, a smirk playing on your lips as you retorted, "Oh, please! I may seem small, but my strength surprises many."

You and Francis argued for a bit after that, the group having to stop you two since the shouting only attracted more infected. You both scowled at each other, Francis keeping that smug smirk on him that he always wore. Taking aim at an infected running towards you, Francis just haaad to steal the kill with his pump shotgun. You glared at him when you snapped around, sighing in annoyance "I had that covered, you didn't need to-" Only to have Francis cut you off with "Sorry, but it looked like princess over here needed extra help."

You feel your annoyance rise, this biker really testing your patience. "Whatever, just stay out of my shots or else you'll end up to be the next corpse on the road" You threatened, Francis letting out another small laugh, "Funny, since your aim isn't any better then your questionable appearance."

You squint at Francis, feeling a blow to your confidence after his comment. The group groans in frustration. "Come on, guys, we can't keep this up. We must find safety quietly without attracting more infected and wasting our ammo," Zoey insists, arms crossed and eyebrow raised. "Okay, okay. Francis and I will stop. Right, Francis?" you ask, slightly irritated. Francis just strides ahead without a word, and Zoey resumes walking. You wearily follow at the back, not noticing the Hunter sneaking up behind you. With a menacing growl, you turn around too late as the creature lunges at you, knocking the SMG from your hands. The group whirls around, the Hunter tearing through your shirt and your skin. You cry out in pain, while the other survivors unleash a barrage of bullets at the infected creature.

After a few moments of this, the Hunter topples over dead, releasing a blood curdling screech. Your bloodied torso aches as you feel a burning pain from trying to move in the slightest bit. Louis hurries to you along with the rest of the survivors, Zoey looking around and asking if anyone has a first aid. Francis walks up to you in a hurry, bending down and opening up the first aid kit. He pulls out some bandages, wrapping up your torso and injury with them. Bill and Louis keep lookout, shooting any infected as you're being helped. "Heh, looks like someone did need some extra hel-" Francis tries to tease in a cocky tone, stopping when he sees how pained you look. He stops himself, looking down with a guilty expression as he wraps it up. He mumbles a low "sorry" before finishing up. After it's done, you grab your gun and try to stand, only to stumble on Francis with an embarrassed expression.

With a gentle chuckle, Francis extends a helping hand to lift you back up on your feet, his eyes scanning your weary expression. Just as you muster the strength to move, Francis swiftly scoops you up in a bridal carry, a protective gesture that catches you off guard. "You protest, 'Francis, please put me down right now,' but he interrupts with his firm declaration, 'You're in no condition to walk, so it's out of the question.'"

You blush a bit at his care, hesitating to let Francis carry you back to the safe room. "Better not drop me" You mumble, crossing your arms. "Trust me princess, I'm the strongest man you'll come across" He smirks, confident in his strength. You sigh and lean against his chest, secretly enjoying his warmth. You find yourself impressed from how long he ended up carrying you. "Besides, I.. don't want you getting hurt worse, alright?" He mumbled.

After you and the group make it to the safe room.

"Finally" Bill sighs, finding a safe room door. Everyone walks in after he opens the barred door, finding cans of food inside. Francis plops you down on the sofa while still careful, sitting down next to you with a relieved sigh. You're exhausted from the long trip, your whole body aching from the Hunter attack as well. Francis notices your exhausted expression, hesitating before wrapping an arm around you. You feel your cheeks warm up, not expecting any physical 'affection' from the pessimistic biker. Without a word, you lean on his shoulder to rest a bit, too tired from the journey to do anything else at the moment. Francis' face blushes a tint of red, not used to affectionate stuff.

"Awe, and here I thought you two didn't like each other very much-"

"Zoey, not a word."

(Oneshots overhaul/Hiatus) L4D/L4D2 x Reader Oneshots and Scenarios.Where stories live. Discover now