'Worried' {Zoey x Female! Reader.}

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Art by:  Laxzear Zloxian on Artstation.

( Short one btw )

Months after the green flu took over, your life and the world as you once knew it lay in shambles. What once was your cozy, welcoming home had become an empty, ghostly shell of its former self. The once vibrant and lively atmosphere had been replaced by an eerie and unsettling quiet, accompanied by a pervasive sensation of grief and longing. You were left alone to navigate this new world, a barren land void of any other surviving inhabitants. Gone were the family and friends you once held dear, taken by a deadly infection you narrowly avoided.

A significant amount of time had passed after realizing that nothing would ever return to normality and that things would remain this way, an unimaginable prospect. In your travels, you came across the body of a deceased officer outside the town, salvaging his weapon, a pistol that would serve you much better than the bat you had previously utilized. The grim reminder of the brutality of this world was a stark contrast to the comforting images and thoughts that remained of your loved ones.

Your plans were unclear at best, simply looking for a sheltered space to safely pass the upcoming days. You came across various smaller rooms or shelters that were adequate for resting for the night. It wasn't a permanent shelter, but any semblance of safety was a welcome sight. Encountering a plethora of infected and adapting to deal with them became a part of your daily routine. Loneliness and despair ravaged your mind, and you often longed for an escape and considered using the pistol you had retrieved on yourself.

The past remains distant, a memory of loneliness that you had long since moved on from. As you grew, you had come across a group of survivors who welcomed you with open arms, bringing you into the fold and allowing you to bond with them. There was Bill, the older, respected, and responsible member of the group. Louis, the upbeat and peacekeeping presence who would ensure everyone was adequately taken care of. Francis, the sassy and often pessimistic biker who'd make snarky remarks and possess an agitated and cynical attitude most times. 

Then there was Zoey, the intelligent and clever girl who had a good head on her shoulders and frequently had a solution in the roughest of circumstances — much like Bill. You two bonded easily, finding yourselves on similar terms and age. The group and you grew closer, fostering an immense sense of togetherness and a welcoming bond. Days continued to pass, traveling together and eliminating the infected that came your way, further deepening your bond.

A sudden gunshot brought your thoughts to a grinding halt, instantly reminding you of the grim realities of the present. Together with the rest of the group, you were currently fending off an infected horde after Francis accidentally triggered the alarm on a car. It was challenging, with special infected in abundance, but fortunately no Witches or Tanks around. Zoey shouted, firing off headshots with a furious demeanor, "Dammit, Francis! Why did you think sliding over the hood of a car would be a good idea?!" Francis replied, reloading his shotgun, "I didn't know the damn car had an alarm! How was I supposed to know?" "Enough! we have infected to deal with!" You shout, narrowing your eyes at the two.

The group returns their attention to killing the remaining special infected, ensuring that they keep their distance. There are only a handful remaining when Zoey is suddenly choked by a Smoker, its tongue wrapped around her neck in a vise-like grip. It seemingly emerged from atop a crate on the rooftop, remaining hidden until the opportunity presented itself. The group is too busy dealing with the other infected, prompting you to take the initiative with rescuing her. Reloading your pistol, you open fire on the Smoker, aiming for its head.

Louis catches notice and turns around to assist in helping you. It requires a few more shots, the Smoker finally succumbing before it can lift Zoey to an elevation that could inflict harm on her. She lands on the frigid pavement, making your eyes widen in surprise. You briskly rush over, expressing concern as you quickly check over her injuries. Her coughing subsides, and she catches her breath and glances up at you. Your heart flutters as she offers you her familiar glance, smiling as she reassures you. "No need to be so worried about me, I'm tougher than I look." Zoey smiles, that familiar look of hers that made your heart flutter.

I know you're fine now, but you could've been seriously hurt!" you say in worry, relieved to see that she's entirely unscathed despite being bloodied here and there. "Hey there, I'm alright now," she chuckles, meeting your gaze with a raised eyebrow. Your face flushes red as you realize that, indeed, you are still holding her hand. "Ah, uh, sorry," you cough awkwardly, quickly letting go. She picks up her gun, smiling, "You know, if you wanted to hold my hand so badly you could've just asked."

"Hey hey hey! I didn't- I mean I wasn't-" You stutter over your words, looking embarrassed. She lets out that cute laugh of hers that you adore before walking off to the others. The group is finished with the infected, now a corpse covered street around you. Your face heats up when you notice Zoey give a playful wink, turning back to Bill. "Alright let's go." Bill orders, the rest of you hurrying along. You can't help but wear a small smile as well, your heart thumping in your chest.

(Oneshots overhaul/Hiatus) L4D/L4D2 x Reader Oneshots and Scenarios.Where stories live. Discover now