{What You Two Do When You Argue.}

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You and her used to argue, interrupting each other loudly, feeling angry and annoyed over trivial things. The arguments would go on for a while until a tense silence settled between you both. Then, you would lock eyes in a fierce gaze. Eventually, the tension would break, and you'd both let out a sigh. Finally, you'd embrace each other warmly, sharing a laugh at how silly the argument had been.

You would frequently argue, sometimes it getting pretty far to make the others concerned. It was mostly about the two of you showing off in front of another, getting quite competitive. At a few points of your bad arguments, there'd be hurtful things said and it'd make both worked up quite a bit. To make up for it, you'd just angrily make out while the others look on in disgust and confusion.

It doesn't take long before you both would become so overwhelmed by the arguing that you'd just break down and hold each other close after, apologizing to each other over and over again. You both were sensitive to these sorts of things, knowing how much it hurts the other to argue like this. You both made sure to be a bit more affectionate afterwards, worried that the other is still hurt from before.

You both would be loud when you argued, both getting more annoyed by each passing second. He'd end up just storming off and leaving you hurt, both of you deciding to brood in your own way away from each other. He isn't so used to mushy/affectionate stuff so he'd leave for the both of you to calm down a bit before seeing each other again. He'd apologize in private afterwards, saying that he needs to work on how he handles things.

You two don't get into a fights a lot, usually talking things out and calming down before any high emotions rise. Some events of that sort have happened, but you both learned to control your feelings and relax in each other's arms, crying if needed.

He'd constantly apologize and say how much he couldn't take it when you're mad at him. He would always think it's his fault, feeling awful for the arguing. You'd feel pity for the mechanic, him being genuinely apologetic like this hitting a heartstring for you. Both of you would apologize and cuddle afterwards to feel better, with Ellis enjoying to be in your embrace again.

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