Meet the Gang

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"Good morning class," the teacher, Mrs. Anderson, spoke in front of the class right when the bell rang.

"Good morning," only some of the students in their seats muttered. Some of the other students were still making their way to their seats. The rest were already sitting down or standing in the back of the class, and neither one of those groups caring what happens in the class.

"Okay, well that wasn't ever enthusiastic," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anyway, everyone please sit down." The rest of the kids did as told and sat down in their assigned seat. "Today is going to be a very special day, we will be doing..."

Gray Alves got bored so he tuned her out. He was sitting behind his best friend Scarlet Huggins, to the right of him was Lucy Ranger, and to the left was Ethan Miller, his other best friend. They were in math class, fourth block. And there's only a week left of school until summer break.

Nobody was really tuned in and, unlike Lucy, wasn't paying any attention whatsoever. Lucy is a major bookworm, not to say Gray isn't a bookworm, but she reads non stop. Gray reads periodically and only science fiction books like Deathlands: The Twilight Children. She has brown hair that goes to her shoulders. Like any other brunette, she has blue eyes.

Ethan was tearing up paper from his notebook and throwing across the room at Zane, his older brother. They are in the same class because Zane is unintelligent and he needed to take this class before he could graduate. Zane is also very immature like Ethan, he just throws the paper wads right back at Ethan. Ethan has jet black hair with brown eyes. His hair is somewhat curly and messy at the same time. It goes just past his ears and touches his eyebrows. Zane has the same physical features as Ethan, they could honestly pass as twins if they really wanted to, but instead of brown eyes, Zane has green.

Scarlet was a very good student and also a bookworm, but only having a week left of school, she is about to fall asleep. She slept last night, but it comes to a point where your mind wonders off. And that point is the last week of school for Scarlet. She has dirty blonde hair that goes past her shoulders, about nine inches, if you were to make a random guess, with brown eyes.

And then there is Gray. He is mildly good, but very sarcastic, which gets him in trouble if he is not careful. As he says to Ethan, "Sarcasm falls out of my mouth like stupidity falls out of yours." Gray has bleach blonde hair, and in certain lights some say its golden like, with dark blue eyes. His hair is typically always straight with a little wave to it, that goes a little past his eyes, half way. If there is one thing you need to know about Gray that is he always wears a jacket, no matter what.

As you can see they make a very unique group, but somehow they have been friends for several years. In the beginning, it was just Gray and Scarlet in preschool. Then later on in fourth Ethan moved to their small town and joined the group. Then in fifth grade Lucy joined because she got tired of the people she hung around in the being of the school.

Gray and Scarlet are really close friends and can tell each other mostly anything. They meet whej Gray was roaming around his yard and saw a moiving truck pull up into the house in front of his house. Since then, they have been really close friends.

Gray meet Ethan on the internet. Now, yes that is dangerous, but in fourth grade, young Gray Alves gets bored a lot. Later on in fourth grade, Ethan moved here and then they become cloer friends.

Lucy just sort of joined their group. Gray thinks it's because she had a crush on Ethan. Scarlet thinks it's because she got curious about their group. Ethan, being Ethan, came up with this crazy story that no one believes for a second. Lucy just tells then that she wanted a new set of friends.

"Gray, get the heck up," Scarlet said. She looked behind her at Gray when she stood up and notcied he was asleep, so instead of having Ethan wake him up, she decided to be the nice friend.

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