Date Cut Short

26 1 4

"Ashley, put that down." Lucy ran over to Ashley, who was messing with some glass. Lucy turned to see Wally playing with some knives. "Wally!" She ran over to take the knife away. Abby got into something and she ran over there.

Tommy, Molly, and Scott stood by watching as she ran back and forth between the three small kids.

"Uh," Tommy said, "Lucy do you want help?"

"No, I got this. Gray said he would pay me next time if I do a good job tonight. So I will do it all by myself."

Tommy sighed, "alright, but so you know, Abby has a knife."

She went wide eyed and ran over to Abby. Tommy sat on the couch and started to play Mario kart. Molly and Scott grabbed a controller and started to play as well.

After a while, they heard a high pitched scream. Almost loud enough to break glass. Tommy turned around to see Lucy pulling glass out of Ashley's leg.

"What the hell?!" Tommy jumped up and ran over to her. "What did you allow her to do?"

"I didn't allow her to do anything. I was trying to get Abby out of the kitchen when Ashley dropped some glass and got a lot of it in her leg," Lucy explained.

"I am calling Gray!" Tommy grabbed the phone.

Lucy snatched it out of his hands, "no you can't! He won't trust me watching them again."

"I don't care! He has a right to know what happened!"

"No, he is having a good time with Scarlet. You don't want to ruin his date."

Tommy glared at her, "Molly, go call Gray."

"Okay," Molly got up and ran into a different room to call him.

"You snecky little bastard," Lucy muttered.

Tommy rolled his eyes, "just get the glass out of her leg."


After a few minutes Lucy turned to Tommy, who was pacing back and forth. "Tommy, I think she is gonna need stitches."

Tommy growled, "this is all your fault."

Molly came back into the living room, "he didn't answer." She threw Tommy's phone at him. Tommy caught it and nodded.

"Come on, lets go to the hospital," Lucy said. "Tommy take your sister. Molly and Scott grab the other two."

"Can't we just stay here?" Scott complained.

"No, I am not going to leave you here by yourself. Let's go."

Tommy picked up Ashley carefully and brought her to the car. When they got the kids into their car seats, they headed to the hospital.

When they got there, the doctor told Lucy that Ashley will be needing stitches, but only two.  While Ashley was getting ready to get stitches, Lucy was pacing.

She was trying to get a hold of Scarlet or Gray, but neither of them were answering. Tommy tried to get a hold of them, but same results.

"Gray isn't answering and his little sister is about to get stitches. He is the best brother ever." Lucy said as she paced.

"To be fair, he doesn't know she needs stitches. If he did, then he would be here." Tommy said. He felt his phone ring, so he looked at it. "Gray's calling." He picked it up.


Gray looked at his phone for the first time tonight. He looked at it confused. He glanced up at Scarlet, who was stirring her drink with the straw.

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