Across the World

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Author's note: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! So for all of your guys' present, I am giving you another chapter earlier! So now that that's over here is something else I want you to read. I got a request saying in the second book to have more Gralet(guess that's their shipping name) fluff. I can easily do that, as you guys know. So yes in the next book I will put more fluff in it. Of you guys have any more requests for what the second book could contain, I would love to hear about it. I know, I know, most of you won't comment, but ya know what? I don't care! I at least have that one friend who cares! On to a different matter. I want to ask all of you who read my story to comment, if you can think of it, a good last name for Gray. I don't really think McCallon is a good last name for his first name. I like my characters to have a nice ring to their names. I tried looking it up, but no, Gray just has to be a more common last name than first. I suck at this so if you could help, I would love that.

Gray appeared into the room. Scarlet was sleeping against the wall. Tommy was looking at the flame. And Lucy was sitting on the ground, next to Ethan.

"Did you find something?" Ethan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes I did actually. See," he held up a piece of paper.

They all looked at him confused.

Tommy asked what they all were thinking, "what is it?"

Gray sighed, "I wasn't really sure what I was looking for when I went down there, but I knew something could be useful. So I searched the computer.  You see when I was looking through the computer earlier, I went past this file. Well not technically. It was hidden. I came across it after a while. I read it and knew it would help."

"But how did you print it?" Lucy asked.

Gray rolled his eyes and sounded annoyed, "it's a computer lab. In most computer labs there is a printer."

"Oh, okay," Ethan muttered, "still what is it?"

He starred at the paper. It had a bunch of lines and words on it.

Gray sighed, "its a map of this stupid place."


"Damn it!" Simon shouted. He was sitting at a computer desk watching the five.

"What?" Jason asked.

He was sitting in a chair at the front of the room. River was sitting next to Simon and he looked over at the screen.

River answered, "your son is smarter than we anticipated."

Jason cussed under his breath, "I hate your guys' mother."

"I know you do."

Simon said, "he found the map of the place."

Jason cussed again, "why did you put that computer in there?" He asked the rhetorical question.

"Now what do we do?" River asked after a moment of looking at his brother on the screen, trying not to smile.

Jason sat back in his chair, "we wait and see what they will do next."

The two nodded and went back to work.


"Okay so where are we?" Scarlet asked. She had woken up and Gray explained what they were doing.

They were now studying the map. Gray pointed to a spot in the middle of the paper, but said nothing.

"Thats where we are?" Ethan asked.

Gray nodded. He looked around the room, looked back at the map and back up. Did that a few times.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked what they all were thinking.

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