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Scarlet woke up and started to get ready for the last day of school. She noticed her phone saying there was a message with its blue blinking light.

She opened her phone and read the message from Gray. Hey, this is River. Gray doesn't feel good, so he won't be picking you guys up. Could you please tell Ethan and Lucy. Thank you. And Tommy won't be at school today either.

The message was sent at 3:47am, so she didn't even bother replying to him. Weird, Scarlet thought. Typically Gray doesn't get sick. Well, he didn't feel good last night, but why would River text me at 3:47?

She sent a message to Lucy and Ethan saying the same thing. She continued to get ready. When she got down stairs, she quickly shoved a piece of toast in her mouth and ran across the street to Gray's.

She knocked on the door and in a couple of seconds the door opened. River stood there, looking at her annoyed.

"What?" He practically growled.

"Is Gray okay?" She asked.

He was silent for a moment then said, "yeah he's fine, but he's not going to school."

"Well, can I see him?"


"And why not?"

"Because he doesn't want to see anyone, now go away."

"I am sure he didn't say that."

"He needs his rest. After all last night was rough for him, in many more ways than one."

He slammed the door and Scarlet was sure that he had a smirk on his face when he said that. I really want to know what's going on. She thought.

Scarlet turned around and walked back to her house. Before she went inside she glanced toward his window, but say nothing. She sighed and walked inside.


"So is he really sick?" Lucy asked when she got on the bus. She sat down next to Scarlet. Ethan looked over the sit from behind them.

"I don't know if he is really sick, I didn't really get to see him, but last night was really weird. For him at least."

"Why do you say that?" Ethan asked.

"Well, I am not going to explain it all. Let Gray do that when we see him."

"So, you don't know what's wrong?" Lucy asked.

"Yep, but last night, before I left, he was hurt. So I don't think it is much to do with him being sick, but more in pain."

"Oh, cause that makes sense," Ethan said sarcastically.

"I think you've been spending to much time with Gray. He's rubbing off on you," Lucy said. "In a bad way."


Scarlet sighed and read her book.

"Hey Ethan," Zane called from the back of the bus.

"What?" Ethan asked as he turned to Zane.

"Where's Gray?"

"Oh, he is sick."

"Really? He looked fine last night."

"Yeah I know."

"Wait," Scarlet said looking up from her book and looked at Ethan. "He was over at your house last night?"

"Yes, why?" Ethan asked.

"Well, did you get done with your eassys before he went over?"

"No," Ethan said slowly.

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