Chapter 4

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/*Just apologizing ahead of time I am writing this on my phone because my house shares the computer between 4 of us right now.*/
Leah Point of view

Iz just told me that I was her imprint and what do I say. I tell her that I need time to think. When all along I know that I want to be her girlfriend and that I love her and have loved her for the past three years. Anyway after I ran out of Sam and Emily's house I went to my house but went in through my window since I knew that Seth was home and didn't want him to ask questions. I grabbed a backpack and put a couple pairs of clothes in it along with my charger, wallet, and keys. Then I left and went to the store and brought some snacks and set off to the hut that I found a few weeks ago when I went for a walk in the woods behind my house. S9nce only Seth knows where it is I don't have to worry about anyone bothering me. When I get to the meadow that the hut is in I notice that a wolf and what looks like a human with red eyes are fighting. Then I remember that Bella said all the legends are true and so that means the wolf is fighting a vampire. When I came to that conclusion the vampire noticed me and was trying to get around the wolf. I screamed the wolf's eyes snapped to me and I noticed that the wolf had Bella's chocolate brown eyes. The vampire jumped over her and ran towards me. Bella jump in front of me right as the vampire reached his arm out to grab me. She didn't have time to defend herself. All she did was bark towards the hut's fireplace like she knew of the secret room. So I ran and went into the room. When I got in there I noticed that Seth was in here with me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Bella brought me she wanted to make sure you were safe since I told her that you didn't come home. And she said that you left about an hour before she did. So I told her you might be here. By the way this is Bella's hut she built it with Charlie 4 years ago. But anyway when we got here she was about to take me home since she didn't hear or smell you but then she smelled the vamp and told me about this room and to call Sam and tell them about the vamp and to come here. She told me to come in here and not come out until either her or Sam came to get me."

Right as he finished telling me that we heard a yelp and a loud thud followed by a ton of growls. We heard what sounded like a chalk board breaking. And then smelt smoke.

"I think it is safe to leave the room now."

"I am not leaving until Sam or Bella come and tell me it is safe."


Just then I heard Sam say "Leah come out of the room, Bella told me something about the fireplace."

"There is a button along the side push it. I would open it from this side but I kinda dropped my phone outside when Bella was fighting the vampire."

"Found it."

When the door opened Seth and I walked out of the room and saw Jared, Paul, and Sam In the living room of the hut.

"Where is Bella? Is she ok? Please tell me she is ok?"

"Leah calm down. Ok. She will be done as soon as she rests and wakes up. But she won't be able to shift for about 3 weeks. Her entire left side was shattered. By the time we got done with the vampire her fast healing was kicking in so we had to re-break a few bones and set her entire left side. As of right now she is in the master bedroom. I think you should know her last words before she lost unconscious were 'Leah. Hut. Fireplace.' Go to her Leah she is going to need her imprint no matter if you decide to be friends, lovers, sisters or nothing at all. But know that even knowing that you are safe and by her side right now will help a lot because if you aren't then she won't let herself heal properly until she is positive that you are safe. I believe She had Seth steal one of your shirts to help her before they headed here."

"Thanks Sam and I will. I am not leaving her side till she tells me to. Is it ok to be on the bed while she is unconscious?"

"Yes and I will tell both of your parents where you both are so don't be surprised if your mom and Charlie come to visit and make you eat and take care of yourself as well."

"Ok thanks for the warning. Can you take Seth home when you leave? I am going to go to see Bella and probably go to sleep it has been a long day."

"Alright Leah. Goodnight."


When they left and locked the door behind them I made my way up to where Bella was. I changed into the PJ's I packed and carefully climbed into the bed turned towards Bella and since I was on her right side I curled into her side and fell asleep. The next day I woke up to a soft groan from beside me. I shot up and looked at Iz.

"Iz? Are you awake?"

Her voice was a bit gruff as she answered in a question.

"Leah? And yeah I am awake. Where are we and what happened?"

"Yeah it is me. We are in your hut in the woods behind my house. As for the other question what is the last thing you remember?"

I watched as she thought about it for a second and then she tried to get up but I pushed her back down.

"Hey we are safe. No one is here. I am safe. You are safe. We are perfectly fine. Ok. There you lay back down you aren't supposed to move for at least 2 days Sam said."

"Ok but what about patrol and my dad and school?"

"All taken care of your day and my mom will be checking on on us every once in a while and Sam said that you aren't supposed to shift for 3 weeks so no patrol and as for school your dad enrolled you into the rez school so Seth will be getting both of our homework cause I am not leaving your side until you are completely better."

"Oh ok that makes me feel better I guess. I am sorry that you aren't getting the time that you wanted to think about all of the stuff that we told you."

"I didn't realize until after I ran off but I don't need anymore time. Isabella Marie Swan will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest girl in the world?"

"Yes Leah. I will be your girlfriend. Now may I have a kiss?"

"Yes you may."

And I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. I tilted my head and deepened it. She kissed back just a passionately. When we pulled back it was because we needed to breathe me more than her but all the same. She then said to me, "There is something I need to tell you and I don't want to freak you out."

"Iz you can tell me anything. I promise I won't freak out."

"Ok well when I shifted for the first time when I shifted back we noticed that my body was different than it was before. Especially down there and that was how we figured out that my imprint was a girl."

"Bella are you trying to tell me that you have a dick?"

She rubbed the back of her neck nervously and finally said softly "Yeah, that is exactly what I am trying to tell you."

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