Chapter 10

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Leah Point of view

When I woke up, I noticed that Alex was still asleep next to me. When I looked around, I noticed that all the hunters except for Zoë, Artemis, and the one who was driving were all asleep.

"What time is it Lady Artemis?"

"It is around 3 in the morning Leah. And you can just call me Artemis you are my daughters mate so it would make sense to not be so formal with each other."

"Ok has she woken up at all? And do you know how her injuries are?"

"She hasn't woken up yet and her injuries are almost all healed from what I can see. We should be at Camp Half-Blood by the time she wakes up. So you should probably be near when she does so that she doesn't freak out or shift once she wakes. When we get there, I will ask my brother to check on her if she is still asleep so that we know if she will be able to shift anytime soon."

"Ok thank you Artemis. And I won't leave her side it is the least I can do since she has done a lot for me and has protected me through all of this."

"Your welcome Leah and make sure to also take care of yourself because when she wakes up her first instinct is going to be to check on you and not to take care of herself so you need to take care of yourself and if needed tell her to rest and assure her that you are fine. And if you really need to order her to rest, get better and play on the fact that if she doesn't get better then she won't be able to protect you. But that should be as a last resort."

"Ok thank you I am going to try and get some more sleep since it doesn't seem like she will let me go anytime soon or we will be there within the next couple of minutes. Good night Artemis and Zoë"

"Good night Leah"

"Good night Leah"

Alex Point of View:

When I finally woke up, I was in what looked like a cabin and couldn't see Leah, so I bolted up and looked around. By the door was a blond hair kid that looked about 12 or 13 years old. I immediately tried to get up but felt a set of hands try to hold me down. When I looked up, I saw Leah was the one trying to hold me down, so I stopped struggling against her.

"Leah? Where are we? What's going on? Who is he?"

"Yeah it is me Alex. We are at Camp Half-Blood where Percy, Annabeth, and Grover go each summer. And that is Will Solace son of Apollo. He has been checking your injuries and making sure they heal correctly. Was that all the questions?"

"Yeah. Um how did we get here the last thing I remember is talking to my moms. Wait what do I call them both since I can't call them both mom? Anyway I remember talking to them and them calling for someone named Hermes and then passing out."

"Right. Um for the moms part ask them when they visit in a little while and for the other after they called Hermes. He gave us a bus to fit all the hunters and us and we drove here. You had your arms around me the entire time so don't worry and I was perfectly safe we were next to your parents the entire time. When we got here, we called your Uncle Apollo and he brought you here so he could heal you and set all of your bones. Then he told Will and I what to have you do for you to heal completely and how long till you can phase without hurting yourself further."

"Ok. Have you seen Percy and them yet or are they not here yet? Also when can I get up?"

"I haven't seen Percy and them yet and I don't know if they are here. Also Will can tell you better about your injuries."

"Yeah so Alejandra your injuries aren't as bad as they were since you were out for three days. You should be able to walk out of here by dinner in about 3 hours. But you aren't allowed to shift until Sunday that way we are positive that you are fully healed. Also Percy came yesterday and Annabeth and Grover are expected tomorrow morning if all goes well."

"Thanks Will. Can I sit up at least right now?"

"Yes, you can and I will come back in about an hour and a half to help you start to stand and walk if you need anything just holler and I will try to come as fast as I can ok?"

"Ok and thanks Will. I appreciate all that you're doing to help me."

"No problem."

After Will left I sat up slowly and turned to Leah.

"So how bad was it really? Please tell me and don't sugar coat it please."

"You had ten broken bones that hadn't started to heal yet and five that did and all of them were healing incorrectly so they had to be re-broken and set correctly. Then you lost a lot of blood and had a small concussion."

"Wow ok I am sorry for scaring you. I just want to make sure that you never get hurt and that I am able to protect you from anything that comes our way."

"You did scare me but just try to not do the same thing again cause you were also exhausted because you ran from Washington to Illinois in a day and a half then fought to keep me safe and didn't rest so next time make sure to stop and take breaks every once in a while when you run ok?"

"Ok Leah I will try and do that and to not scare you again. Can we cuddle now?"

"Yeah scoot over a bit."

I moved over a bit so she could climb into the bed with me and wrapped my arms around her and listened to her heart beat. She eventually fell asleep and I wasn't far behind her.

The Characters ages may be slightly different than originals but are as follows (Physically):

Alejandra - 16

Leah - 16

Percy - 16

Annabeth - 15

Will - 13

Nico - 13

Thalia - 16

Alice - 23

Jasper - 22

Rosalie - 22

Emmett - 21

Edward - 17

Tanya - 17

Seth - 14

Jacob - 14

Carlisle - 29

Esme - 30

Charlie - 34

Sue - 35

Artemis - 22

Zoë - 21

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