Chapter 7

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Leah Point of View

When we got to my house I got off Izzy's back and she shifted back. We climbed into my room and started to pack. While Izzy wrote a note for her dad I packed my clothes and the money that I had. When I was done I wrote a letter for my mom and brother then set it on my bed. When I opened my bedroom door I asked Izzy if anyone was close to us or my mom and dad's room.

"No why?"

"Just stay here till I get back."

"Ok but if you aren't back in 7 minutes then I will come find you or if you get seen I will cause a distraction if necessary."

"Ok but it won't take me long if what I am getting hasn't been moved which in all the time that I remember it hasn't then we will be fine."

"Alright. Come back soon."

"I will don't worry."

With that I left my room and went to my parents' room. When I got there I immediately see what I am looking for the save that has some money and survival gear that we will need and there is enough that what I am going to take won't be noticed for a few months. When I open the safe I see that it is actually bigger than I thought and has more than what I thought as well. So now I can get a bit more I call out to Izzy to bring the bag and come quietly. I do this so only she can hear me cause I know that even though I told her to shut my door she is listening. When she gets in my parents room she sees what I am getting and understands what I am doing and that I need her help to know how much I should grab.

"Let me handle the supplies you hold the bag for right now."

"Ok. The trip should take about two to three weeks so can we take enough from here to last us that long. And still not be noticed for a while."

"No but we can get about two thirds of it here and the rest from my house plus extra. Which is what we are going to do. We will also get the food from my house and an outdoors store a few miles out of town. That way no one will recognize us and we won't get caught."

"Ok grab what we need from here and let's go."

She does as I asked and we left to her house by the time we get there it is only 8 and her dad is not home. He must be at work or on the Rez with the Pack. We go in the front door and she leaves her note on the table in the kitchen. We go up to her room. She tells me to grab clothes for her while she gets the rest of what we need from the safe in her dads room. I ask where everything is at and she tells me the dresser and closet but the clothes in the dresser are the ones that fit the best. Then she went to get the supplies and I got her clothes. I also grabbed a photo album that I know has pictures of everyone from her times here in forks and since most of those memories I am in I grab it for the both of us for if we ever get homesick. I also grab a couple of towels, and other bathroom needs for the both of us. Then I go to where she is and help her put everything in the bag.

"We have to stop by the bank. We need a bit more money and the only way to get it is from my account unless you want to try and pick up some money from Angela when we tell her but we need about $200 still."

"We can go to the bank and get what we need from there. Then head to Angela's and tell her then get the hell out of here."

"Ok lets go before my dad gets home."

We go out the front door after turning all the lights off and locking up we run to Angela's house and throw a pebble at her window.

"What are you doing here it is almost 10 at night?"

"Move over so we can come in real fast."

Angela moved over and Izzy helped me up first then told us both to step away from the window. We did and she jumped up and into the window and smiled at Angela.

"How the fuck did you do that? And why are you guys here?"

"The first question she can't answer. As for the second question we need you to do us a favor. Tomorrow when our parents come and ask you where we are telling them that we are safe and that we only told you that we are leaving town so that we can have a life of our own. Please can you do this for us? We need to live our own lives and not be told what to do and how to do it all the time."

"You said she couldn't answer the first question that doesn't mean that you can't. And sure I can do that but if the ask if where you might be what do I tell them?"

"She has a point about you telling her that I am...*cough cough*"

"Izzy are you ok?"

"Yeah that just happens if I disobey an order from Sam about saying something to someone who doesn't know the secret. But on the other hand tell them that we are visiting friends that are out of town. Oh and Leah you can tell her the secret as long as Angela doesn't let on that she knew then we should be fine."

"Ok so Izzy is actually a shapeshifter. She turns into a snow white wolf as well as some of the guys on the Rez. The reason why she couldn't tell you is because Sam is the Alpha and he ordered that no one could know the secret unless the are family or if the were imprinted on which basically is wolf terms for soulmate. Got all of that?"

"Yeah I think so. Wait so when you got sick during the school year and had to stay home for 3 days that was because you were a wolf?"

"Yeah I was learning to control my anger. Oh and I can tell you this because I am looking at Leah cause she also didn't know that part I guess that when my imprint doesn't know something and someone asks the right question I can tell both of them at the same time other words it won't work."

"We should get going. That way they will lose our trail by the time they come looking. And so we can go to the bank."

"Alright. I hope I see you guys again some day."

"You will it just won't be for a while."

With that said Izzy jumped out the window and landed on her feet then told me to jump. So I did after telling Angela "We will call you when we get somewhere out of state and close to where we are going. Bye and thanks for doing this we owe you when we come back or if you ever need us just look at the moon and say 'Artemis, Please get Leah and Izzy.' or the Sun and say 'Apollo, Please get Leah and Izzy.' and we will come as fast as possible. When I jumped Izzy caught me and set me down we looked up and then ran. We ran to the bank. Izzy got the money and we ran into the forest. She took her clothes off and handed them to me and said "After I shift put them in the bag and get on after you secure the bag on my back." I did as she asked and before she took off she looked to the sky and said "Artemis please guide us as we travel through the woods and help keep us safe." Then she took off running before long I noticed that she slowed down a bit and got quieter as she listened. I realized that we were nearing the border of Forks and she was listening for the Pack. "It seems that Sam gave everyone the night off."

"Yeah. Let's get out of here while we have the chance."

She took off again before long I fell asleep on Izzy's back while she was running.

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