Chapter 14

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Leah Point of View

When I noticed that Alex was slowing down. I turned around and started to ask what was wrong. After I got the words out, I noticed that she was collapsing. I ran forward but Alice and Rosalie beat me to her side and picked her up.

"We need to get her to the infirmary. Shit, Will isn't going to let her leave for a week. But what caused her to collapse she was doing fine if not just a little slow and she didn't shift so it can't be that."

"It could be from all the stress of the situation and knowing that she could possibly lose you if she can't shift right now and you become in danger. Or it could be one of the Gods messing around with her though I highly doubt that any of them would want to get on her moms nerves either of them for that matter especially the men."

I heard all of the boys gulp at that when they figured out who I meant for one of them but the other I don't think they understood. We ran Alex to the infirmary and set her down on the bed and called for Will.

"What happened to her!? She was fine when she left not even four hours ago!"

"We don't know she slowed down as we were going to the cabins and then she collapsed but she had a glassy look in her eyes as if she was having a hard time seeing me when I asked if she was alright. What's happening Will? If her moms find out they are going to be upset if this was done by someone so I am hoping that it is medical so I don't have to try and restrain them from going on a rampage around the world looking for who is responsible."

"Let me take a look."

He was quiet while he worked after a while, he was looking at her head when he got a scared look on his face he ran out of the room and when he came back, he had Chiron, Artemis, Zoë, and Apollo.

"I am going to need everyone except for Artemis and Chiron to clear the room so that I can heal Alejandra completely. I am going to be using godly magic and need them here to help me and hold Alejandra still while I do this. I promise that she will be fine and completely back to normal after I am done."

We all walked to the waiting room and sat down. After about five minutes I got up and ran to the arena. I grabbed a sword and started to practice what Alex, Thals, and Percy taught me when we were younger. I started to hack at the dummies. I was lost in thought and didn't hear someone come up behind me I turned when I felt them and swung the sword, they caught it with theirs. I saw Percy when I stopped swinging and asked to spare. We spared for 2 hours and then stopped because neither of us could get past each other.

"You've gotten better."

"I have been practicing and sparing with Alex when we could get away from everyone."

I finally started crying and hugged Percy. He gently lowered us to the ground and held me close. He rocked me and whispered in my ear that everything would be fine and that Alex would be ok. I don't know how long it took but I fell asleep. I felt Percy get up and walk somewhere but I just fell completely asleep in his arms.

Percy Point of View

When Leah ran out of the infirmary Thalia started to go after her.

"Don't stay with Alex she will need you more I will go after Leah because if I know her like I do she is pissed at herself and upset so she will be training I will bring her here when she passes out form crying and exhaustion otherwise, she won't come. It will be a couple of hours at least for her to fall asleep so I will be back around then."

"Ok I will get someone to tell Chiron, Artemis, and Zoë where we will be and to have the Harpies leave us alone and to not have them beat you up Percy for helping our friend."

I left and went to the Arena and saw Leah hacking away at the dummies I took out my sword just in case she doesn't hear me come up to her. I was correct in taking it out when I got close, she swung around bringing her sword with her and directed at my head. I brought riptide up and blocked. When I did, she noticed who I was but had a confused expression on her face.

"I thought you might want someone to spare with if you want."

"Yes please. I really need to get this energy out and get out of my head."

We spared for two hours before we decided to stop and talk for a little.

"You've gotten better than I remember you actually were head to head with me and the only one I can't beat is Alex and I have a hard time with Annabeth and Thals."

"Yeah when me and Alex could get away from the boys we would practice in our meadow. At least until she shifted for the first time. She then had to stop so they wouldn't find out but she also was forced to not do anything she wanted. You inspired her and she wanted to help others just as you do but actually get noticed for it. She wants to join the Army when we get settled down and mated properly and she knows that I will be safe while she is away."

"I didn't know that Lee. You know that you both will be safe here and if need be, I can always ask dad, and Ares to make sure she comes home safe along with Uncle Zeus and Uncle Hades as well when she does enlist. But for right now she will be safe and so will you so why don't we go back and wait until she wakes up ok?"

"Alright. I think I am calm enough now but I am really tired so can you just hold me and if I fall asleep carry me there?"

"Yeah. Come here you are safe with me. No one will hurt you or Alex while I am around."

She fell asleep in my arms so I did as promised and carried her back to Alex's side. When I got to the infirmary. Thalia and Alex's parents immediately thought something was wrong.

"Is she ok? What happened?"

"She is fine just tired. She wore herself out training and then crying after sparing with me so that she could release her emotions without hurting anyone. I am going to put her in Alex's room when Apollo says that it is ok for me to."

"Go ahead kid. She should be fine now so you can put Leah in the same bed if you want to so that Alex doesn't freak out and think something is wrong with her when she wakes up."

"Thanks Apollo. Should I contact Leah's mom and brother along with Charlie to tell them that they are safe at camp and that they shouldn't worry?"

"Yeah that might be a good idea have they tried contacting either of them yet?"

"I am not sure. But if I know Charlie he probably is freaking out even if she left a note telling him not to. And Leah's mom and brother are probably freaking out but are unable to do anything about it because of the pack."

"We will contact them all in the morning and if need be, we will return to Forks with the girls and take care of the pack and any other problems that come up."

With that we all went to our separate cabins and went to sleep. 

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