Chapter 3

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Bella Point of View

When I got to Sam's house, I walked in quietly and headed up to my room to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of Emily's cooking in the morning. I got dressed in a black tank top with a black button up and dark bootcut jeans. I put my shoes on that I wore yesterday, grabbed my phone, keys and wallet and shoved them in my pockets. Then, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning guys! Morning Em!"

"Morning Izzy," is what I heard from the guys as Em came over and gave me a hug while saying, "Good morning Izzy! How did you sleep?"

"Good, better than I have in a while since the idiot started to stay in my room when I slept."

"Really" asked Sam.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep because I knew he was in my room. If not him, it was either Alice or Emmett, but they knew that I preferred not to be watched while I slept. Instead, they covered for each other and usually messed around outside until they heard... or in Alice's case, saw when he came back. So those nights, when he left, were the only nights I got a full night's sleep."

"Wow. How did no one notice that you weren't getting any sleep?"

"A shit ton of makeup and energy drinks that I put in a water bottle, which I  passed off as soda, for the most part. And the fact that Jacob and Leah came over to hang out, normally indicating a sleepover for the following weekend, for the sole fact that I would sleep while they made it seem like I was hanging out with them."

"Damn Izzy. If you had told us we would have came over a lot more and hung out, so that you could sleep and take care of yourself better."

"Well at least now I will be moving to the Rez hopefully and continuing school here. That way you guys can keep an eye on me if you want. I am going to go to the beach. Anyone want to come?"

"No, but you go ahead. We will catch up more later. Oh, and remember if you hear one of us howl then go to the forest and shift so you will understand what's going on. Also, don't lose your temper... I know how easy it is for you to get mad."

"Ok Sam don't worry. I will be fine. I have my phone if you need me. Let me know if you need anything or want me to pick something up since I might walk around the Rez, or go somewhere for lunch."

I walked out after saying bye to everyone. When I got to the beach I saw Leah, Seth, and Jacob along with Quil and Embry. I went over to them. When I got close, Seth noticed me first so I put my finger to my lips and walked quietly over to Leah who was talking to Jacob. When I got right behind her I yelled "Hey Leah!" She screamed and turned around. When I looked into her eyes, I froze and stared at her. It felt like the earth moved and left me behind and that Leah was the only thing that mattered. I would do anything for her whether she needed a friend, a sister, a lover, or even someone to cry on when she had a bad day. Eventually, I snapped out of it and noticed that everyone else had left and it was just me and Leah. We all grew up hearing the stories of the Rez and we all thought they were true except Jacob. I asked Leah if she wanted to go to Sam and Emily's house.

"Sure Iz."

On the way, I texted Sam, Jared, Paul, my dad, and Emily that I found my imprint and was bringing them to Sam and Emily's house. They said ok and that they would meet us there. When we got to the house I walked straight in, but Leah hesitated until I told her it was ok and that everyone would be coming or would already be here.

"Who all is going to be here Iz?"

"Sam, Emily, Jared, Paul, my dad and us. Don't worry nobody will mess with you while I am around."

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