Chapter 5

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Bella Point of View

After I blacked out I don't remember anything that was going on around me. As I began to regain consciousness I feel someone beside me. When they put their arm around my waist I groan out loud. They shot up and looked at me.

"Iz? Are you awake?"

My voice was a bit gruff as I answered questioning seeing that the person beside me is Leah for the first time.

"Leah? And yeah I am awake. Where are we and what happened?"

"Yeah it is me. We are in your hut in the woods behind my house. As for the other question what is the last thing you remember?"

She watched as I thought about it for a second and then I tried to get up but she pushed me  back down.

"Hey, we are safe. No one is here. I am safe. You are safe. We are perfectly fine. Ok. There you go. Lay back down you aren't supposed to move for at least 2 days Sam said."

"Ok but what about patrol and my dad and school?"

"All taken care of. Your dad and my mom will be checking in on us every once in a while and Sam said that you aren't supposed to shift for 3 weeks so no patrol and as for school your dad enrolled you into the Rez school so Seth will be getting both of our homework cause I am not leaving your side until you are completely better."

"Oh ok that makes me feel better I guess. I am sorry that you aren't getting the time that you wanted to think about all of the stuff that we told you."

"I didn't realize until after I ran off but I don't need anymore time. Isabella Marie Swan will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest girl in the world?"

"Yes Leah. I will be your girlfriend. Now may I have a kiss?"

"Yes you may."

And I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. I tilted my head and deepened it. She kissed back just a passionately. When we pulled back it was because we needed to breathe her more than me but all the same. I then said to her, "There is something I need to tell you and I don't want to freak you out."

"Iz you can tell me anything. I promise I won't freak out."

"Ok well when I shifted for the first time when I shifted back we noticed that my body was different than it was before. Especially down there and that was how we figured out that my imprint was a girl."

"Bella are you trying to tell me that you have a dick?"

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and finally said softly "Yeah, that is exactly what I am trying to tell you."

She was quite for a few seconds and then said to me, "Bella, I don't care. You are still the same person that I love and have loved since our sophomore year. Just because you have a dick doesn't mean that I won't love you the same. It just means that we have to use protection when we get to that point of our relationship ok?"

I looked at her and said quietly, "You don't care?"

"No I don't. I will love you no matter what and that will never change. I will love you till the day I die and even after that. There is nothing that you could tell me that would make me love you any less than I do because I promise that I will never stop loving you."

"Thanks Leah and I love you too. I won't pressure you into doing anything that you don't want to do and I have loved you since homecoming freshman year. I will always protect you no matter what. I will love you till the day I die and after it. I promise you will never be sad because of me and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy even if it would hurt me. Because I love you more than my own life and will do anything for you."

When I finished saying that she had tears in her eyes so even though she said Sam told her I wasn't supposed to move, I sat up and wrapped her in my arms suppressing a groan of pain and whispered soft nothings into her ear as I hugged her and rocked her back and forth. When I heard her soft breaths even out I knew that she had fallen asleep. I carefully leaned back and moved her to where she wouldn't aggravate my injuries and soon fell asleep to her heart beat and her soft breathing. When I awoke next it was to Leah playing with my hair and talking to Emily and Sam. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I noticed that everyone was here the first person to notice I was awake was Seth.

"Hey Bella, How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a truck."

"Are you in any pain?"

"A little but it is manageable. When can I get out of bed and start walking around?"

"Tomorrow afternoon at the earliest as long as you are not in pain and have someone with you."

"I will stay with her. I am not leaving her side until she is up and about and  completely healed."

"You don't have to do that Leah."

"I know but if I hadn't distracted you then you wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place."

"Leah look at me. I still would have gotten hurt but it would have been a lot worse. If you weren't there and I didn't have Seth with me no one would have been able to get Sam and the rest of the pack for backup. And by the time one of them shifted I probably would have been dead. So it was not your fault I was hurt. You and Seth most likely saved my life."

"She is right Leah and Seth if you two weren't there she might not have made it. But since you were there she had to be more careful and we were able to come faster than we would have if she wasn't with you the next time we would have changed patrol would have been 5 hours later since she had about an hour to do whatever she wanted before patrol."

"Izzy and Leah are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

"Yes Em and thank you."

"Yes Emily and thanks."

"It is no problem and your welcome."

After that we all just say and talked for about 3 hours till Leah fell asleep in my arms again so I ask everyone to leave. After they left I fell asleep with my imprint, my Leah in my arms.

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