Chapter 9

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Bella Point of View

As Leah slept on my back while I ran us away from Forks as fast as I could. I started to think about Charlie and the papers I found shortly before I found out Leah was my imprint. I found adoption papers for me and found out that Charlie and Renee aren't even my parents. And Renee didn't even adopt me it was just Charlie that did. So when I found Leah and she suggested to run away to New York and see Percy and our other friends. I was thinking they might know something or somewhere I could look for answers. After a while I noticed Leah starting to wake up. Then I slowed down and came to a stop as I smelled something weird.

"Izzy what's wrong? Why did you stop?"

"I smell something weird. Go to that cave over there I will check it out then come back."

"Ok be safe Izzy."

"I will Lee Lee. Now hide in case something is wrong and don't come out unless I say it is safe ok?"

"Ok I will."

I jogged off towards the smell and saw something that look straight out of Greek mythology. I backed up and accidentally snapped a twig they heard and looked at me I turned and sprinted back to the cave so I wouldn't have to defend all four of my sides. They came after me. I tried to fight them off and keep Leah safe but one of them had some type of weapon and cut me I fell. And tried to get back up but fell again. When I finally got back up, I went as fast as I could to Leah and protected her while fighting. I then smelled something that smelled like the moon and silver. I growled when it got closer to me and Leah thinking they were a threat because I could smell the weapons, they had but then the one in the middle said something I couldn't quite make out. But I felt Leah start talking then she asked me if they could come closer so they could help us.

"As long as they put their weapons down. I can't shift back to human it hurts to much and let them know we have medical supplies."

Leah Point of View

"She said she will let you closer but put your weapons down and walk to me slowly."

"Phoebe is the doctor in hunt she will know what to do and I will help her as well with what I know from my brother and experience."

"We would like that. Thank you but she says if anything goes wrong to leave her and keep me safe which I don't completely agree with but she knows this and will force me to be safe."

"You both will be fine oh and if a girl comes saying her name is Zoë she will also help."

"As long as she gives you or me her weapons Izzy says she may come close.

With that said Artemis and Phoebe start to heal Izzy. Zoë come about 5 minutes later and Izzy starts growling again."

"Zoë give your weapons to Leah here or hand them to me. She won't stay still and let us help if you don't."

"Very well my love I will place them on the ground and slide them to Leah. Alright just let us help, we don't wish you harm. Oh and my love the monsters are gone I have the girls on a perimeter and they are guarding us."


Bella Point of View

Soon I was able to shift back and Leah gave me clothes.

"Why do I look like you two? And how long am I going to need to rest we are headed to see some friends."

"Izzy! Be nice they just helped us. The least we can do is say thanks. But you might have to rest for at least a couple of days."

"Leah is correct on the rest part I am afraid. But as for why you look like me and Zoë. We are you parents and before you ask how it is kinda like Athena does except I have only ever had you because I knew that Zoë and myself would have to meet you when you were older and not as a baby. Also, why do you keep calling her Izzy? That is a weird nickname for her name that I gave her."

"What do you mean it is a weird nickname? Her name is Isabella as far as we know that is what you named her if it isn't then what is the name that you gave her?"

"Ah that it explains it. Izzy is a nickname for what her adoptive parents name of Alejandra. I named her Alejandra Luna Nightshade. So that she would have a part of both of her parents. But what would you like to go by Alejandra?"

"So, you are my parents then why do I shift that is a Quileute trait. And can we travel with you until we get to New York please? Also I will take my birth name over what Charlie gave me no offence to him. And my nickname will be Alex."

"Yes you may. And as for shifting Lupa blessed you when you were born so that you could blend in better in Forks. I must ask why did you leave? It was safe for you."

"Sam the Alpha of the Pack wouldn't let me leave for any reason he ordered me that I couldn't leave until I found my imprint or got permission from him. This was after a member found out that I was going to enlist into the Army so I could help others and start my own life."

"Oh Ok. Who are you going to see in New York we might know them?"

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Along with Grover Underwood."

"Ah yes we do know them in fact I know where they are this time of year if they aren't on a quest."

"Ok when can we start walking, I will help Alex. But I am not liking staying in one place for very long and we have been here for about half the day."

"We will get the other girls you both wait here then I will teleport us back to our camp."


Artemis called the other girls and told them to put their weapons away. Then we headed back into the cave and gathered near the entrance because I started to growl again.

" Alejandra this is my hunt they won't hurt you or Leah, in order for me to teleport all of us you have to let all of us closer ok?"

"I am trying but my instincts are not letting me stop. Can you come back for me and Leah? My wolf won't let them closer with all of the weapons on them."

"I have a better idea. HERMES?"

A guy flashed in and looked around when he heard me growling. I guess this was Hermes.

"Um Artemis why is she growling at us?"

"She is only growling at my girls and yourself. Besides the three near her that is. I need you to take everyone besides Zoë and Phoebe to my camp please. Girls when there put your weapons in the armory and do not set up a guard, we will be moving camp and heading to Camp Half-Blood when I get there."

"Sure thing I will also leave a bus for you girls on the nearest road. Come on girls I know you don't like me but it is the least I can do for my sister and niece."

When they left Artemis walked to me and the others. I stopped growling and was almost asleep. Leah was looking at me worried and was about to shake me when I shut my eyes and passed out.

Leah Point of View

"Alex? Alex? Alejandra wake up. Please wake up."

"Leah calm down she just passed out from blood loss and exhaustion. Do you know how far and long she ran after you fell asleep?"

"No, I don't even know where we are at."

"We are in Illinois right now. She ran from Washington to Illinois all night and most of the day then fought to protect you and got hurt so her body is catching up and decided to make her rest."

"Oh. Where is your camp at then?"

"Our camp in Virginia right now."

"Let's go before she wakes up and get on the road. We should be in New York by Friday if we are lucky."

With that Artemis put her hands on me and Alex while Phoebe and Zoë grabbed her shoulders. She flashed us to her camp and then flashed all of the hunt to the bus. We got in and let Atlanta drive so that Phoebe, Zoë, Artemis, and I could be near Alex in the very back and wait for her to wake up. Artemis and I fell asleep quickly but before I did, I saw Zoë wrap her arms around Alex protectively. Just as Alex did for me and then I fell into a deep sleep.

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