Chapter 11

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Thalia Point of View

I was on border patrol when Percy came running up to me saying we had new comers and The Hunters of Artemis were here. I groaned at the thought of The Hunters because Zoë and I don't always get along. But then again most of the time it is because we are always trying to be better than the other at everything to do at camp.

"Hey Seaweed Brain. What's going on that has you smiling brighter than Apollo right now?"

"Hey Thals just that the new comers are some old friends from Forks and I want you to meet them. So, can we go see them they are in the infirmary right now cause one of them was stupid and got hurt."

"Sure, my shift is over anyway I was just waiting to see if Annabeth and Grover were coming earlier than they said. But I haven't seen them yet."

We walked to the infirmary and Percy asked Will where a couple of girls called Leah and Izzy were. He said that there was a Leah and Alejandra in room 8 but doesn't know an Izzy and that Leah and Alejandra might be resting since Alejandra had a ton of injuries. I wonder what she did to get them and how bad they are.

"Come on Thals! That must be Leah and Izzy. I wonder why Izzy changed her name though. They won't mind if I wake them up but I might get something thrown at my head by Izzy later when she can move or chased but it will be worth it if it is them."

We half jogged down the hall to room 8 and looked inside. I saw two girls on the bed cuddled up with each other and one holding the other protectively even though she had a cast on one arm and leg each and her head wrapped. Percy just walked over and gently tapped the girl that was being held and she woke up.

"Hey Leah you might want to try to move I am going to wake Izzy up and don't want you getting hurt cause of me."

"Hey Percy and ok I will try but as soon as I move, she is going to try to get me to stay. She finally shifted and imprinted on me. We left Forks to get away from the pack and start lives of our own after visiting you Annabeth and Grover but we ran into trouble with monsters on the way here. Also she goes by her birth name now which is Alejandra or Alex as a nickname."

"Ah that makes since now."

Leah got out of the Alex's arms safely and surprisingly the girl didn't wake up. Percy motioned for us to back up then brought his hand up. He summoned a ball of water and took a couple of steps back. Then threw the water at Alex's face. She woke up with a start and tried to stand up but Leah immediately ran to her and pushed her back down.

"Alex it is safe just Percy messing around and being himself. Calm down you aren't supposed to get up remember not until Will comes and helps you."


"Hey Alex. What did you do this time to end up injured?"

"I ran from Washington to Illinois non-stop and then fought monsters to protect Leah. And got 10 broken bones, a mild concussion and lost a shit ton of blood. Not to mention if Sam finds me then I might as well be prepared to try to brake from the pack since he will try to order me to go back to Forks when he finds out I left."

I decided to get their attention now by saying:

"Damn you are one strong Demigod. And how the hell did you run that far without stopping and how long did it take?"

"Uh who are you? No offense but I don't recognize you from mom's group of girls even if I was out of it partly and I don't remember seeing you when I met Percy."

"Oh, this is my girlfriend Thalia Grace Daughter of Zeus. And you wouldn't know her cause we haven't spoken since we got together and I was going to introduce her when I came to visit this year but you came here first."

"Oh, ok and as for your answers Thalia we left Forks on Tuesday at two in the morning and got attacked on Wednesday night around eleven or so. As for the other question it might have to wait so that I can show you rather then tell that way you actually believe me. By the way this wonderful lady next to me is my mate and girlfriend Leah Clearwater."

We sat around and got to know each other while they caught up with Percy until Will came in and said that Artemis and Zoë wanted to see them and that Alex could start to try and walk if she wanted.

"Well I am going to go to the Arena cause me and Zoë don't get along and I don't want to get into a fight right now but I will catch you later. Love you Percy."

"Love you too Thals I will catch up in a minute and we can spare if you want to."

I walked out and almost ran into Artemis and Zoë.

"Sorry Lady Artemis I didn't see you there. Sorry Zoë. "

"It is alright Thalia and don't worry about it. I just want to check on Alejandra and see how she is doing."

"Ok see you later then."

I walked out of the infirmary and to the arena. I started to do some warm ups and then got to practicing while I waited on Percy. It took her ten minutes to get here and another five to finish her warm ups before we started to spar.

"Why does Artemis and Zoë want to check on Alex? It isn't like she would join the hunt since she is in a relationship with Leah and she seems very happy."

"I don't know Thals but I guess we will find out when Alex wants to tell us. All I know is that Alex and Leah have had a hard life. Alex was adopted by the Chief of Police in Forks when she wasn't even a year old yet and Leah found out that she is only a half sibling to her brother and that her ex-finance married her cousin and threatened her girlfriend into staying in town just to keep her with the pack and not do something that she always wanted to do. So I would just wait and see if they say anything more about their lives I got that much after knowing them for almost half of my life and that is only because my mom and I are related to Chief Swan and reconnected with him when he asked for help to raise Alex since his wife left him for a minor league baseball player."

"Damn if that is what you know and you practically grew up with them than how am I supposed to get to know them when they don't talk much."

"Just give them time and earn their trust. That is all we can do. But whatever you do don't get on Alex's bad side or mess with Leah in a way that could hurt her emotionally or physically cause then I won't be able to help. Alex is extremely protective you saw and heard, that right? I don't want you getting hurt and I will be doing the same with not messing with Leah cause Alex just might kill me if I do."

"Why would she kill you or hurt someone if the hurt Leah? And yes, I figured out she is extremely protective of Leah I just don't understand it."

"Again, she will tell you when she feels it is the right time."

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