Chapter 16

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Alex Point of View

Once they finish giving us our gifts they transported us to the new house that Charlie got from Apollo. Somehow Alice, Rosalie, Leah and I were still on a couch in the living room while everyone else were where they were sitting just on new furniture. I also noticed that all the gods except our parents were gone. So Artemis, Poseidon, Zeus, and Athena were the only ones here along with Apollo since he wanted to know what was going on and fill the others in on whatever I didn't know about while I was unconscious multiple times. 

"Hey Ali, Rose, and Leah. Why don't we go upstairs and find my room that way we can talk more comfortably and Uncle Apollo can tell everyone else what happened?"

"Okay. Let's go."

Ali climbed on my back while Rose and Leah opted to hold my hands. We walked out of the living room and up the stairs. We found our rooms easily since they had our names on the doors and our parents symbols in our favorite colors. When we got to my room I sat on my bed and Ali got off and curled up on my lap while the other two curled into my sides. I began telling them what happened when I forgot something or wasn't awake for something Leah filled them in. When we had finally filled them in on everything it was about 10pm and Charlie came in to tell us that we should get some sleep for school in the morning. 

"Hey why don't we all just sleep in here tonight like old times. Then we don't have to get up and we can still wake up on time for school but be near each other."

"Sure sounds fun. Should we invite the boys or let them do it another night to catch up with you?"

"Another night I don't feel like getting up or yelling for them."

After that we fell asleep, when I woke up the next morning I was surprised that I was the first awake. I thought that Annabeth or Alice would be up first maybe even Esme but nope though I won't be able to move for a while I seemed to have become a pillow for all of them with Leah on my right and Rosalie on the left with Alice and Esme right on top of me. Percy, Annabeth and Thalia seemed to have moved their heads onto my legs with Percy on Thalia's left and Annabeth on Thalia's right. Charlie walked in and looked at me. He saw that I was awake and had a questioning look on his face.

"Good Morning Charlie. I will wake them up in a couple of minutes but won't be able to get up as of right now without at least 4 of them falling off the bed. Unless you can get the boys to help."

"Ah and good morning and I will go and get them you all have about an hour before school but you need to get there early to get the paperwork filled out and change your name as well as get everyone to class on time but I made sure that you and the kids from New York are in all the same classes. Also you might want to see if your spot on the soccer team is still there. You know they won't do well without you."

"I will and thanks. You may not be blood family but I still think of you as a father. Thanks for all that you have done for me over the years."

"It's no problem kid. I am just happy that you are happy with your life now that you know who you are and where you are from."

He left the room but left the door open. I started to wake the others up started with the two on top of me. 

"Alice. Esme. It is time to get up. We have school in an hour and if you don't get off then we will be late and we don't need to be late on the first day."

Alice woke up right away and then tapped Esme and Rosalie. They woke up and got the other three up and walked out to go get ready for school and work in Esme's case. I turned to Leah and kissed her lips to wake her up. When she started to kiss back I pulled away. 

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