A/N (Sorry!)

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This is not an update. So sorry for the wait, but I have writers block at the moment and have not been able to come up with anything for the second half of the chapter I've been working on..

I'm top of that, I have been sick for the past few days and am currently in a freezing ball of blankets on my bed. I'm fine, don't worry. It's just a virus, I'm sure. Although I'm having what I call a 'Todoroki feeling' which is where my skin is both freezing and burning at the same time.

But hey, I was watching BNHA earlier today and took some pictures during the intro and first episode (I was researching the anime)

That face makes me think of when some people in my classes are their friends after a day (they act like it's been years.. Geez..)

Especially in my biology class.. last semester my teacher called me a sir just because I was wearing a hoodie and had my hair in a ponytail (literally my normal look)

And now for some funny pictures I downloaded

Lol this is teenage rebellion at its finest

I'm Kacchan in this case lol

Denki is an artist xD

That's terrifying..

Me tho

Anyway, no update this week.. Sorry, guys!

Please don't hate me!

I'm gonna go take more ibuprofen now because my head is killing me.

Have a lovely day/night wherever you are! <3

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