chapter one

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"Oh crap..." Lisa sighed as she stepped out of her car that seemed to have broken down. "That is exactly what I needed right now!" Lisa yelled as her foot kicked the car door shut with all her strength. She walked to the side of the road looking to see if anyone was passing by but she hesitated to wave to anyone thinking that it may be a dangerous move to pimp a ride with a stranger. Having no other option, she left her black Toyota car and walked to the nearest train station hoping that a train would pass soon. To be honest, Lisa had no destination in her mind, she just wanted to get away from everything and everyone. That's why she was driving through Seoul this late at night, when she was tired of everything she would take random trips with her car until she would feel better.

Once at the station Lisa bought a ticket and waited patiently until the conductor would call out the music number on her ticket. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath , letting all the smoky air fill up her lungs. She put on her earpods and shuffled through the playlists on her phone. It must have been a while since she got to the station when a train that matched the number on her ticket. Jumping on her feet she hurried and squeezed through the people carrying their suitcases in the train.

She roamed through the corridors only to find zero seats empty. She kept looking until something caught her eye. There was a cabin, a four people cabin with only a single person sitting in one of the two couch-like seats. First class, Lisa thought ,and hesitated to approach the small train cabin. Lisa was shy, so shy that she preferred to stay outside, planning to stay standing next to a window until the train would reach its destination. Since she had time she looked at the cabin again, this time noticing the black haired woman ,with her back facing Lisa, a little bit more.

"Fuck it," Lisa sighed and approached the cabin hesitantly.

"Excuse me?" Lisa said, her voice barely louder than a whisper. The black haired girl turned her head around slightly, her eyes falling on Lisa.

She was stunned. Lisa didn't know if the words were trapped in her head just because the girl was stunningly beautiful or because her hazel brown eyes had caught her off guard. She just knew that the look on the girl's face, her beautiful hazel brown eyes, made her heart ache immediately. They looked hurt.

"Um, I... There are no empty seats, could I...uh, sit here maybe?" Lisa finally spoke up after a few seconds of just staring at each other. The other girl just nodded her head , keeping her eyes low and staring at the flooring of the cabin. Lisa then took a seat opposite from her ,while whispering a "thank you", to let her keep her personal space.

Both of them looking out the windows, keeping the silence going in the cabin. Lisa would catch a few shy glimpses of the girl once she was sure she wasn't going to get caught. Lisa was so fascinated, she couldn't keep her eyes off of the other girl. Maybe it was because of her long slick black hair. Or maybe it was because of her stunning side profile. No, it was probably because of her shoulders shaking and her inaudible soft sobs.

Lisa didn't know her, hell, she had barely even talked to her but the sight of the other girl sobbing uncontrollably and wiping the tears rolling down her puffy cheeks, made her heart sink. Even though Lisa didn't know her she felt the need to comfort the other girl that looked so vulnerable and weak in front of her. Stopping her thoughts she followed her intuition and reached into her back pocket, pulling out a pack of tissues and attempting to hand it to the girl opposite from her.

"Here, you can use that" Lisa offered and reached out to her.

The other girl, still not talking at all, shook her head. "N-no, keep it, it's okay"

"Don't worry, I am not even going to use it, like, ever. So you might as well use it and don't be afraid to let your heart out. I don't judge, I swear" she said and pointed her pinky finger up.

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