chapter nine

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The sun had already come up by the time Lisa had returned home from her dinner with Eliza. Her roommates had fallen asleep, Alex on the couch while watching a Harry Potter movie and Rose in their now shared bedroom with the book that Lisa was reading before going out, hanging from her hands. Lisa's heart fluttered once Rose's small body frame met her eyes. She was wearing one of Lisa's hoodies, a pink one, with a pair of black shorts that Lisa owned as well. A smile formed on her lips as she walked over to her sleeping girlfriend, picking up the book from her hands and placing it to the bedside table. "Hi..." Rose mumbled and threw her hands in the air, asking for a hug from Lisa who was happy to oblige.

"Hey baby" Lisa whispered leaning down to take the other girl in her arms. She kissed her forehead before Rose hid her face at the crook of Lisa's neck, leaving small sloppy kisses on it. Lisa's head fell back, giving her girlfriend more space to work with, her lips parting slightly once Rose found the strength to bite down on Lisa's neck. Rose could feel Lisa's heart beat raining as she kept leaving wet kisses on her neck, then moving a bit lower to her covered chest.

Rose's hands found their way under Lisa's oversized hoodie, lifting it up and eventually taking it off the tall girl's body. Now that she had more space for her lips to travel she began running her hands up and down Lisa's sides, while she let open mouth kisses all over her upper body. Lisa's back arched as Rose's hands moved from her chest to being in between her now spread legs. "Rosie..." Lisa moaned and she placed her hand on top of her girlfriend's. "Do it...please" Lisa begged her and that's when she slipped her hand in Lisa's pants, making the taller girl hold onto the sheets as tight as she could. Her hands kept moving as her fingers slipped in and out of Lisa, driving her crazier by the second. "Oh my God.." Lisa moaned, her left hand now gripping Rose's hair. "Please keep-

Shit!" Lisa screamed when Rose hit a certain spot inside her, Lisa almost ripping out hair off her girlfriend's head.

"Oh my fucking God- Rosie!" Lisa's back arched more than before, causing Rose's fingers to slip out of her just in time for her to finish. Looking down at her, Rose admired her girlfriend calming down after reaching her climax, her chest rising and falling while breathing heavily. "Come here.." She smiled lazily, pulling down Rose so she would lay next to her. Once the two of them were laying next to each other, Lisa wrapped her arms around Rose holding her close.

"What's that?" Rose whispered softly, her finger tips tracing Lisa's shoulder carefully. "Never felt that before" She said while touching it again.

"Shit..." Jennie paced up and down the empty railroads, her eyes occasionally looking at Lisa who was sitting a few feet away from her. "Fuck..." She cursed under her breath when she noticed how badly injured Lisa was. Maybe jumping off a train was not the best thing they could have done, especially Lisa who didn't even know why she was following Jennie by jumping as well.

"Calm down..." Lisa said, her voice quieter than ever before. "Just calm down" she repeated, her eyes shutting close while the blood kept coming out her open shoulder wound. Jennie didn't notice at first, instead she kept walking up and down, sighing.

"How am I supposed to- Lisa!" Jennie screamed, running towards her and falling to her knees ignoring the instant pain she felt. "Wake up, please wake up!" She yelled again and again but Lisa was not coming around at all. The tall girl was now unconscious on the ground with Jennie panicked above her trying to wake her up. "Lisa... Lisa!"

Lisa felt a tear rolling down her cheek, having trouble breathing normally and her chest was hurting like someone had stabbed her heart out. Things like this scar will always take her back, either she liked it or not, it would always be a part of her. Jennie, that still managed to stay in Lisa's thoughts now and then something that Lisa didn't find torturing anymore. It didn't feel like she was missing her, nor that she was desperately trying to bring her back in her life. If it was a year ago Lisa would still be eager to look for her if Jennie had kept her promise as well. She couldn't deny the fact that a part of her still wanted to go out and never come back until she finds her, but that part of her stayed pressured down since something like that could risk everything she had accomplished till now.

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