chapter fourteen

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"A murder has taken place at BK Enterprises, the victim was shot once in the chest and once in the head. Police officers at the crime scene report that the murderer must have had purely personal reasons for killing Mr Yang." The reporter's voice could be heard from the turned on TV that was placed in the middle of the hotel room's living room. Lisa was sleeping on one of the couches, her body was exhausted both mentally and physically and after getting in the car she collapsed with no shame. Alex who was also in the car with her took her to a hotel, in a room that she had booked for two nights in a city next to Seoul. She couldn't risk living in Seoul for now and that was why she had also booked a room for her Rose in another city. Being in the same city would be an easy target so the best option was to split up. For now she waited for Lisa to wake up and probably ask her a million questions which she would have to avoid.

Alex was working for a while on Eliza's actions and behaviors that she would find out about through Lisa who would talk to her about him, with important details that someone out of psychology wouldn't understand completely. She had managed to find out about his connection with Jennie, the girl that Lisa happened to meet one day, the girl that she didn't seem to move on from, the girl that didn't only became Lisa's obsession but Alex's too. After reading Lisa's diary it was easier for her to track Jennie down, it wasn't that hard to put everything together. She can't even imagine what would have happened if she never looked into it and Lisa was left alone in this mess without even knowing what she had gotten herself into. Eliza and his family were dangerous, extremely dangerous. According to Alex's investigation, Eliza was dealing drugs and followed kill orders by someone higher than him that Alex hadn't figure out his identity yet.

Lisa was safe, at least for now. The girl had no idea about the mess that she got herself into by making an escape with Jennie three years ago. Alex watched her sleeping peacefully, her facial expressions relaxed like nothing in the world could hurt her now. She noticed Lisa's hand, the blood had now dried up on her skin, the small cuts now dark red. Alex did the best thing she could and she tried to clean it up properly without waking Lisa up, something impossible to do since her best friend was a light sleeper. She twitched in response,the stinging of the alcohol on the wounds waking her up. "Alex unnie.." she said, her voice raspier than ever before, when her eyes spotted her best friend sitting next to her. She opened her arms waiting for a hug and Alex was happy to fulfill Lisa's need. "It hurts" she mumbled, not realizing just yet where she was and what had happened.

"I know, let me get you some bandages" Alex rushed to the bathroom while Lisa got up, lifting her head up and looking at the TV screen were murder was written all over the news. Her heart sank when it all came back to her and she soon started to realize that she wasn't in her apartment, she was in a completely different place. Little did she know she was located I'm Busan, a city a couple miles away from Seoul. "I'm back-" Alex said, stopping mid-way when she saw Lisa curled up into a ball. Dropping everything she was holding in her hands, Alex run to her and sat beside her holding her close to her own body, while Lisa cried in silence. That of course didn't last for long, Eliza's words replayed in her mind making her heart break even more again and again, her sobs becoming louder by the minute. "Shhh... It's okay" Alex held her close to her and rocked back and forth with Lisa in her arms trying to calm her down.

"I'm not that strong ..." Lisa said in between sobs, having trouble breathing normally. "It hurts so much.." she said and she collapsed even more, her body trembling uncontrollably and Alex could feel her own heart hurt. Watching her best friend, her sister breaking down in front of her and feeling her body shaking next to hers, was enough for her to get emotional as well.

"It's okay," Alex reassured her again, hoping that Lisa would stop crying. "Please don't cry, it's okay now" Alex said but nothing seemed to be working, no matter what she would try, she knew that Lisa was now releasing all the stress and frustration that she held within her for three years.

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