chapter five

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"Dear diary,

It's been a while since I wrote something to you, mostly because I was scared of expressing what I felt. It's all too much and I feel like I'm losing my mind... I've done everything in my power to leave behind all my demons but I... I'm scared of admitting that I don't want to leave them, or I should say leave her, behind. It's just so much more than I can write, I can't possibly describe how it feels every time she comes to my mind. I don't know what she has done to me but every thing seems to be reminding me of her... Every day that passes I think of what she could be possibly doing, like, I'm over here working my way out of college but what is she doing?" Lisa wrote in her diary and before she could notice a tear rolled down her face and she slammed the door close, throwing it across the room. She looked at her watch and got up, getting dressed and walking out of her room running into both of her friends in the living room.

"I'm leaving," Lisa said almost under her breath as she opened the apartment door. Alex looked at Rose who jumped off the couch and in a heartbeat was standing next to Lisa.

"How about we go out together this time?" Rose suggested, Lisa turning around and looking at her , processing what the shorter girl had said. "How does that sound?"

"I'm sorry, Rose, not now" Lisa said coldly and walked outside without saying anything else, shutting the door behind her. Lisa didn't take any steps further, her head spinning. She thought again of Rose's suggestion as a way of getting her mind off of Jennie and probably a way of breaking her daily routine Seoul-Daegu and back "Maybe it's time". She took a deep breath and turned around, knocking on the door which thankfully was opened by Rose herself who was very surprised to see Lisa I'm front of her.

"I thought you left" The girl admitted and walked outside the apartment too. "Something wrong?" She asked once Lisa didn't say anything to her.

"No, go get your jacket" Lisa said while looking down failing to notice the big smile that was plastered on the other girl's face. Rose ran in the apartment and wore her jacket, returning back to Lisa in a couple seconds. "Let's go," Lisa sighed and walked down the stairs as Rose followed her.

The two girls walked alongside with each other down the long streets of Seoul, looking for a place to visit. They were walking for approximately ten minutes when Rose's squeals caught Lisa's attention. "We need to eat in this restaurant" Rose suggested and without second thinking grabbed Lisa's hand and practically dragged her inside. "Isn't it beautiful?" She asked once they were inside.

Looking around, Lisa was surprised that such a nice restaurant existed just a few blocks away from their apartment. She had never heard of that place before but it certainly didn't look new either. She had a neoclassic style about that Lisa always loved. "It is, indeed" she agreed and sat opposite from Rose who seemed to be very excited. " Where did you find this place anyway?"

"That's a funny story actually," she said and covered her face with her hands.

"I'm listening," Lisa who looked a bit more relaxed than before, laughed and waited for her best friend's story.

"One time Alex Unnie and I were walking down this street and I..." Rose hesitated to go further with her story.

"You what? Come oooon, tell meee" Lisa insisted.

"I couldn't help myself, I needed to use the bathroom... So I walked in here" Rose laughed making Lisa laugh as well. "That is how I know about it" she said and both of them kept laughing for the rest of the evening.


After their lunch both of them felt too full to do something active, so they walked for a few blocks as the sun kept on disappearing from the sky. Taking a look at the girl beside her Lisa found herself unable to look away from her. When Rose turned her head and their eyes locked Lisa felt a weird but beautiful energy going through her whole body. "What are you looking at?" Lisa asked when Rose didn't take her eyes off of her after a while , even though she was the one that looked at her first.

"You" Rose simply said and looked straight forward as a big smile was drawn on both hers and Lisa's lips.

They walked all the way down the street until they reached a spot that the three of them used to go to a lot some time ago. It was a local bar type place that had karaoke nights as well. Without even talking about it both of them headed towards the bar, the loud music ringing in their ears as they walked inside. Lisa sat down next to Rose who was immediately ready to order a drink for herself.

"A martini please," Jennie said to the bartender who was looking at her up and down. Lisa on the other way was determined to stay sober so one of them would be able to take them back to the motel.

"Jeez, did you see him?" Lisa said with disgust turning her back on the bar area.

"What's wrong Lalisa?" Jennie looked at her, her eyes darker than before due to the alcohol running in her veins.

"Do me a favor and don't drink a lot" she said, her eyes glaring Jennie's body up and down. "I want you in one piece."

Jennie couldn't help but laugh at Lisa's comment. "I'm already on my fourth martini, you know that right?" She said proudly, taking a sip from her drink.

"Yeah, I can smell your intoxication from here" She laughed to herself and was caught off guard when Jennie took down her whole drink and approached her slowly.

"Lisa?" Jennie's voice started to fade.

"Lisa?" She heard her name again and her eyes focused of Rose waving her hands in front of her face.

"Huh?" Lisa asked, shaking her head, trying to push away a memory of Jennie that had just popped in her head.

"Where did you go?" Rose asked with worry since the girl was completely lost for the past five minutes. "Are you feeling, okay?"

Lisa nodded and raised her hand, catching the bartender's attention. "Three martinis please" Lisa boldly said, Rose looking at her in disbelief. Lisa was going to try everything she could to manage to get Jennie completely out of her mind for a while. She took the Martinis down the one after the other like it was just water for her.

"Be careful" Rose warned Lisa who simply smirked as she took down her last drink.

Lisa's eyes already had trouble focusing on Rose's figure, so she just approached her blindly, reaching out and placing her hands on the other girl's waist. "Lisa?" Rose spoke up but Lisa said nothing else other than just a "shush". Rose could see that Lisa was already intoxicated but she couldn't stop her when she ordered another drink, and another one.


Lisa stumbled into the apartment, soon followed by a slightly intoxicated Rose who was being careful of not causing any noise. Lisa was kind of passed out on the couch until she had locked the door behind her. Rose walked to Alex's bedroom putting her ear against the door, making sure the older girl was still asleep. Returning to the living room she was shocked to see Lisa standing.

"You need to lay down" Rose whispered, hoping that Lisa would have heard her. "Come on" she said and went closer to the older girl whose gaze was completely different. As soon as Rose was closer she felt Lisa's hands on her waist, pulling her close to her body. "Lisa you're-" Rose stopped her sentence once Lisa's lips landed on her neck, biting slightly on the sensitive skin. Lisa kept biting the girl's neck while her hands reached down and pulled Rose up so her legs were wrapped around Lisa's waist.

Being careful not to stumble on her way to the bedroom, Lisa let Rose fall on the bed once they were there. Closing her eyes for a moment Lisa took a deep breath, the alcohol still running through her system. She felt Rose's hands pulling her towards her and her lips soon crashed into hers as her body joined the other girl on the bed. Both of them fought for dominance, with Lisa ending up on the bottom since her intoxication was a disadvantage.

"Rose-" Lisa moaned as the other girl kept on leaving small bite marks all over her neck, her mouth traveling up and down Lisa's endless body. Lisa's hands gripped onto the sheets, holding on for dear life as her back arched and a loud muffled moan escaped her lips.

Again, and again. 

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