chapter twelve

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It was cold outside; the December breeze had already started hitting her face as soon as she stepped out of the taxi. Looking around everything felt foreign to her but still familiar deep down. Her eyes glazed around while she was standing at the old train station again, she hadn't set her foot there for a long time and it seemed so different to her. Her chest ached at the memories she had shared with this place, the place they were now taking down for good.

The cold air was hitting her body and she knew that she wasn't dressed properly. She had forgotten by now how cold Seoul could get in December. Walking down the streets of the city she felt like she was gone forever, she wasn't, it just felt like she was. If she had the chance to never come back, she would and there is no doubt in that, but there were things, people, that kept here stuck to that place. Some of them people she missed and some of them people she despised with her entire being. Either she liked it or not, unfinished business was her specialty.

"I hope I get that fucking promotion babe" Lisa who was walking down the streets of Seoul after her boss sent her to run some errands, said to Rose that was on the other side of the line. "I work more than anyone in there" she complained. She was right though; she was always the one to run for errands and go to work trips in the cities around Seoul in order to get things done. You would think that after six months of hard work she would at least get a small promotion but no, they always decided to give it to someone else. She had talked about it with Eliza but the past few months he seemed to be completely out of everything that was going on in the company.

Lisa remembers specifically one day that she walked in Eliza's office, and he was passed out on his desk. She had never felt more shocked in her life. Eliza acted so strange lately and there have been countless times that he would be in his office for hours without giving any sign of being okay or even alive to be honest. He had those weird voice messages from people that Lisa had never heard of before as customers or partners of the company, which was especially odd.

"I have to go; I'll talk to you later" she said and hang up the call while walking in the reception of the company.

"Good morning Ms. Park before you go, I need to tell you that someone is waiting for you in your office" the receptionist said quickly, the tone of her voice strict like the evil stepmothers in Disney movies.

"Okay, thank you Glenda" Lisa joked and she could hear her growl like a dog. Laughing to herself she walked up the stairs that led to her and Eliza's offices, her eyes catching a shadow moving in her office. Walking in her heart fluttered when in the room was a very familiar face. "Mom!" She yelled and ran towards her like an actual five-year-old girl that had missed her mom so much.

"Oh, my baby girl" her mom sighed, and her arms were quickly wrapped around her beloved daughter. "Look at you" she said, taking a better look at Lisa who was standing proudly in front of her. "You're so beautiful, I'm so happy to see you."

"I'm so happy you came" Lisa said and hugged her mom again, the need to feel her touch too much for her to ignore. "I missed you so much mommy" she sighed.

"Are you doing well?" Her mom asked, once both of them took a sit on the comfortable chairs.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine" Lisa said in a less exciting way than before. The fact that she was lying very much obvious. "Everything is great"

"Lalisa Park, you're not supposed to lie to your mother" her mom laughed and reached out to hold her daughter's hands that were touching the desk. "What's wrong?"

Lisa seemed to think for a moment, deciding whether to talk to her honestly or not. "How did you get through it? Dad's death, how did you do it?" Lisa asked and she saw her mom's expressions change instantly.

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