chapter six

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The beaming light came through Lisa's bedroom window, falling on both hers and Rose's bodies, creating shadows all over the room. Lisa's tall body was taking up most of the space on the bed while the other girl's head was resting on her shoulder. Lisa started waking up as soon as the morning light hit her face, making her blink uncomfortably. Her head was pounding due to last night's drinking and it was hard to move her body. Rose's eyes were now open as well, Lisa's uncomfortable shifting on the bed too much to just ignore. The girl wrapped her arms around Lisa's waist, bringing her closer to her own body and sneaking her face in the crook of Lisa's neck.

"Good morning" Rose said, her voice muffled, her lips against Lisa's neck.

"Good morning, Rosie" Lisa sighed as she was staring at the ceiling. She closed the eyes again, feeling Rose's soft kisses on her neck and bringing back what had happened last night. The girl in her arms was her best friend, the best friend that she had taken advantage of in order to forget about another girl. Lisa was feeling beyond guilty, the whole situation too much to handle. She had never imagined that she would be capable of taking advantage of another person, especially when that person is one of her best friends who wanted nothing more other than her to be happy.

Her guilt was raising as the minutes passed. She could feel Rose's breathing hitting her neck, and all she could think of was the night that had passed. It's not that Lisa had regretted what she had done, but the thing is that she would rather have another girl in her arms right now. It would of course be a lie if Lisa said she hadn't ever thought of Rose that way, but that was before all she could think of was Jennie. Rose cared for her, she always had even when she didn't know her that well back in High School and she was probably the best person to help Lisa finally move on from her sweet stranger. Lisa's final plan, that was it, have a good life with Rose and just move on. Sometimes the unexpected is what's better for us.

Standing up, she left the other girl still sleeping on the bed and she opened her wardrobe. Choosing a pair of jean shorts and a oversized flannel shirt she fixed her hair, brushing her bangs, and she walked in the kitchen only to find Alex studying something very carefully. "Good morning" Lisa said, approaching the fridge and looking for something to eat.

"Good morn- What is that??" Alex spit her coffee once her eyes noticed Lisa's neck and she immediately got off the highchair, heading towards her. "jeez,what happened to your neck?" Alex laughed, taking a better look at her best friend who pushed her away, slightly embarrassed.

"It's a mosquito bite" Lisa explained and hoped that Alex would bite it. That was until the door of her bedroom opened again and a very hangover Rose walked out of it, heading to the kitchen as well.

"Helloooo" She said in an excited and full of energy way as approached Lisa as well.

"Hello mosquito" Alex greeted Rose who tilted her head, looking between Lisa and Alex confused. Lisa laughed as she was standing and almost spilled the instant coffee out of the container.

"I keep telling you to take your medicine, you never listen" Rose joked, bringing even more positive energy in the kitchen. "How did you sleep unnie?" She asked and Alex gave both of them a serious look.

"Better than you two, that's for sure" Alex teased them, making both Lisa and Rose blush instantly. "No one invited me, it sounded like you had fun" she then added, the sound of Lisa choking with the coffee filling the room.

"Okay, that's enough for me" Rose claimed and took a quick sip of Lisa's coffee. "I'mma go take a shower."

Alex made sure Rose was out of sight and in the bathroom before she approached Lisa once more, grabbing her empty hand and dragging her back to the living room making her sit next to her. "What's going on?" Lisa spoke up, Alex's odd behavior confusing her.

"I know I'm making jokes but," Alex said, tilting her head to see if Rose had maybe walked out of the bathroom to grab something before, she continued, "You two, I mean, you two finally hit it off?"

"What do you mean finally?" Lisa asked confused, Alex seemed to know about it than she thought. "You expected it?" She asked for further explanation.

"Lisa, this girl likes you since High school," Alex admitted and Lisa's eyes widened from shock. "Being her friend since then I noticed it since day one."

"I didn't know that" Lisa sighed and covered her face. She never knew that Rose even liked her to begin with and now Alex just dropped a bomb confession that made Lisa feel even worse. In her mind she still had the thought of taking advantage of her friend in the worst way possible. For Lisa it was the only of moving on, maybe forever.

"Be careful, Lisa" Alex said in a concerned voice. "Feelings are not something to play with, I'm sure you know that."

Alex's words felt like knives that were cutting Lisa's heart in small pieces one by one. Just be careful, love isn't simple, that was Alex's advice for her best friend and of course she was right. Lisa knew all about feelings , the ones that were once crushed but all that belonged to the past.

" Don't worry, we'll be okay.''


Things were going exactly how Lisa had said, everything was okay and for the first time in two years she was feeling better than ever. It was easier moving on from the past when she had Alex and Rose next to her since her friends didn't leave her any space of thinking anything not related to them. Rose turned out to be Lisa's favorite person to be with and spend time with considering that every time they went out or even spent time together in the house she couldn't stop smiling.

Lisa even searched for a workplace that required security people since she was continuing her father's job. She had always been fascinated by secret agents and things like that, ever since she was a little child and even though she hadn't reached that level yet she hoped that one day she would get a promotion. For now, she was only being trained to be a security guard that mostly worked for guarding stores and houses.

She was now running up the stairs her lungs almost out of air from her excitement. She knocked at the door once she was standing out of her apartment, taking a deep breath. "I got the job!" She yelled once the door was opened, she stormed in the living room and jumped on the couch. Alex, who was the one that, opened the door joined Lisa on the couch, now both of them jumping up and down from excitement. Rose who had heard the noise coming from the living room walked slowly taking her time and sighed at the sight in front of her.

"It turns out I do have two children," Rose shook her head and just stood there watching them jump up and down. "What am I going to do with you two?" She said in disbelief.

"Babe! I got the job!" Lisa jumped off the couch, landing in front of her girlfriend. "I got it!" She yelled out of excitement and lifted Rose with her arms, swinging her around.

"I'm very happy for you-" Rose spoke up but she was cut off by Lisa's lips capturing hers.

"Okay, the fun ended" Alex laughed, making the couple laugh too and break their kiss.

"Alex is going to take us for dinner" Lisa winked at her friend who was confused as hell with Lisa's sayings. "Remember? You said that if I, an idiot, can take the job you'll take us out."

Alex hit her forehead with her palm and fell back on the couch. "I literally won't ever talk again, it's always against me."

Lisa had never felt so completed the past two years. She had an amazing relationship with a girl that cared for her and loved her more than her own self, she finally had a job, and her life was getting better every day. What more could she ask for? Her demons still haunt her from time to time, but she had learned to push them away from her and not allow any ghost from the past cause trouble in her everyday life.

"We should go, shall we?" 

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