chapter three

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Lisa looked at her watch while sitting in one of the train station's uncomfortable seats,waiting for the train to arrive. The same train that she had been taking for the past two years. She took a deep breath letting all the cold air of December fill her lungs up. Opening up her phone she shuffled through the songs she had saved and patiently waited in her seat.

Selfish, LIAMOO

"Well that's fucking ironic" Lisa whispered to herself and she played the next song on her playlist as her eyes wander off to the purple sky above her. Lisa never found the fact that she still took the same train every day strange. Even though she should be over it by now, she still hoped that one day she would walk up to that one damned cabin that she had walked into two years ago and she would see her sitting there once again. Jennie,the shy girl that was one crying and pouring her heart out in front of her. The girl that she risked her life with by jumping off a frickin moving train. There was just something about her that made Lisa be so captivated. She jumped, Jennie told her to jump and she did no matter what the consequences were. She dug her own grave by following that sweet stranger that once made her heart flutter and not ache with heartbreak whenever she thought of her. She in fact dug a grave so deep that Lisa was now finding herself unable to come out of it.

Lisa glared up to the train that had stopped right in front of her and got up, approaching it. After stepping in she headed for the one cabin she had been sitting in for so long that everyone knew not to approach at all anymore especially after what had happened a few months earlier. Lisa found a woman sitting in her claimed cabin and started yelling causing not only a big scene but also the train to stop.

As she walked in the memories started replaying in her head like a movie,all over again. Everything was the same, the seats, the small coffee table where they once shared milk ice cream. The only thing that changed was that no one was sitting opposite from her. The girl that she had met in this bunk was not here anymore. She looked out of the window, her head going back to that day while she enjoyed her milk ice cream.

"Where the hell are you Jen..." Lisa whispered to herself, feeling her heart sinking with every memory popping back into her head. "What more do I need to do for you huh?" Lisa started talking as if Jennie was sitting with her. "I don't know what else to do anymore, Jennie, it's been almost two fucking years..." Her voice cracked as her eyes started to water.

A buzzing coming from her backpack startled her, making her search for her phone. "Rose" she sighed and shook her head attempting to clear all her thoughts before answering the call.

"Hey Rosie" Lisa greeted her friend, her voice calmer than before.

"Hey Rosie? Really Park? Where are you?" Rose's voice was filled with worry, something that Lisa immediately noticed.

"I'm fine, I'll be back soon'' Lisa said avoiding the question she was asked. The truth is her friends had no clue about Lisa's past. In fact, no one really knew about that part of Lisa's life called Jennie Kim. It was a painful piece that Lisa couldn't simply move on from no matter how hard she tried to forget it. Whenever she closed her eyes, Jennie was there.

"You'll be back soon? It's been three hours, Lisa" Rose sighed. "What are you doing anyway?"

"None of your business, Rosie" Lisa snapped and hang up, regretting it pretty quickly and redialing the number.

"Hey, again" Rose's disappointed voice rang in Lisa's ears.

"I'm sorry, I'll be back soon, I promise" Lisa said. "Tell Alex I got the groceries she wanted, we won't starve to death" she joked and after saying their goodbyes they hang up.

Rose and Alex are what some call the missing piece, of Lisa's life. The three of them united in college and have been living together for the past two years since they are inseparable. Rose, the bubbly girl who always wears a smile on her face and is caring for everyone. She has a very calming voice that has helped Lisa go through endless nights she couldn't sleep at all. Rose stayed up with her. She never asked her why, she figured that that's just her caring side taking action. On the other side, you have Alex, someone who cares a lot but won't show it unless you're bawling your eyes out in front of her. Even more caring than Rose. Good cook, something both of the girls love about their older by one year best friend. She always gets up in the morning to prepare them breakfast since all of them live away from their parents and need a parent like figure. Even though Lisa and Rose are 21 years old, she still feels the need to be something like a mother or maybe a big sister to them.

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