chapter thirteen

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~18 hours left~

Lisa had watched the sun coming down from the glass wall in her office that allowed her to have a full view of the whole city of Seoul. Times like this she felt proud of herself for making it this far and having a good job to support herself. The view of the city had a way of relaxing her, making her forget about everything that wandered around her busy mind. She had been worrying so much about everyone lately that she had no time to think about her own self and her own problems. Eliza was becoming more aggressive and ruder not only to her but to everyone around him including his own blood, his uncle. Lisa remembers passing Mr. BK's office a few days earlier and she was shocked to hear screaming and yelling going back and forth between the two of them. It was intense, so intense that gave Lisa a weird feeling inside that something was about to happen that she forced herself to walk away instead of secretly listening to their heated argument.

The one thing that saved her out of all of this mess was creating her very own small investigation. Lisa had turned into a spy, tracking down every move that her best friend would make in the company and out of it, trying to piece everything together and make something out of this whole thing. She would spend endless hours thinking of ways to get in Eliza's office without him noticing but she hadn't found the opportunity yet. She was hoping to find something that would explain all of the strange things happening. He had referred to drugs, kill orders and so many more illegal things that made Lisa very suspicious. She had thought of talking to Eliza's uncle at some point after figuring everything out so he could help his nephew with whatever he needed.

Back in the apartment things weren't as good as they were previously either. Lisa had to break Alex and Rose's fights multiple times the past couple weeks. The two roommates had been arguing so much that Lisa had to schedule them hours around the house so the two of them wouldn't bump into each other and create a scene. Lisa didn't really know what had gotten into them since every time she asked or tried to figure out by herself her two roommates would shut her down and keep fighting. You could say that Lisa had a lot on her plate, and she didn't have any idea how to deal with everything.


The sun was gone for good when Lisa decided to leave the company and take a walk in the busy streets of Seoul. It's been a long time since she had done this, take a walk and get away from everything and everyone. The night felt so familiar, the way the streetlights fell on the tall buildings creating big shadows. The cold air filled her lungs while her earphones blasted music in her ears taking her to another place, or at least that's what it felt like. Finding a getaway in all this mess was exactly what Lisa was asking for, she didn't need much, all she needed was a break from everything. A break that she hadn't given herself for three years now, a break that could change her life.

The streets were getting darker as Lisa walked in the opposite direction of Seoul's heart, the streetlights fewer than before. She found herself in Hongdae market, a place that her friends and her used to visit a lot when they had the time. The smell of the countless restaurants found their way in Lisa's system, making her crave ramen and dumplings. Of course. She couldn't forget about them. She couldn't resist the temptation of eating, so she stopped at a street stunt that made instant noodles in order to satisfy her temptation. "There you go, young lady" the old man said and handed Lisa the bowl of ramen, but as Lisa was ready to leave, she heard the man talking again. "How about some dumplings?"

Lisa shook her head, not planning on spending any more money on food she couldn't really digest anyway. "It's my treat," he said, and Lisa knew that the old man wouldn't take no for an answer, also it was free so of course she would accept it. Walking over to him for one more time, he wrapped five pieces of dumplings in a smaller bowl and handed it to Lisa who gladly took it, with a smile on her face. "Merry Christmas" he smiled and nodded in a polite way. She kept walking down the narrow streets of the market going in further even though she lived in the exact opposite direction. She didn't care much about how she was going to return home or if someone would worry about her missing for more than the usual hours, Lisa only cared about herself at that moment.

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