chapter seven

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"You can't fucking do this, okay?" Lisa yelled to the closed wooden door, her fists pounding on it like her life depended on it. "Open up!" Lisa yelled again, her fists now bleeding due to the force she was hitting the door with, but nothing was stopping her. "I said open the fucking door, now!" She yelled one last time as she fell to her knees. No answer as everything around her got darker by the second until she found herself in an empty space, her breathing the only thing that could be heard. She heard steps coming from the opposite side of the dark room, but Lisa knew about this all too well. It wasn't the first and certainly it wouldn't be the last time she would experience that dream.

She kept her eyes closed the whole time, keeping her demons away from her. "Not again," Lisa said under her breath and she could tell that the footsteps were coming even closer by the second. "Please wake up, please wake up" she whispered to herself, trying desperately to escape her nightmare. Her efforts were pointless once her eyes shot open, at the feeling that someone was touching her. She had never felt that all the other times that the nightmare had repeated itself. "Eliza?" Lisa spoke up her eyes focusing the man's tall figure who smiled at her just before fading away until he couldn't be seen anymore.

Lisa's eyes shot open once the irritating ringing of the alarm clock echoed in her ears, making them hurt slightly. She rolled on her side, stretching her tall body across the bed. Her side was empty, Rose was missing, and the house was completely filled with silence. Getting up from the bed she wiped her forehead that was drenched in sweat and headed to the bathroom. She took all her clothes off and prepared her uniform that she would wear after a very needed shower. Her mind was all over the place after the weird dream she had experienced a couple minutes ago. The image of Eliza smiling at her was something that she had never seen in a dream before and that's what made the whole thing even weirder for Lisa.

After letting the cold water run all over her body and helping her relax a bit, she dried herself out and she stepped out of the bathroom, heading back to her bedroom. "Alright," she said to herself, and she started dressing up when the door of her bedroom opened again.

"Fuck, Lalisa" Rose's voice entered the room as the girl made her way to Lisa who turned around with a smile on her face.

"Like it?" Lisa asked, proudly admiring herself while looking in the mirror. ''It fits like a glove, huh?"

Rose shook her head and headed towards her hugging her from behind. "I hate it , take it off" Rose whispered in Lisa's ear, starting to unbutton her uniform, her hands slipping through Lisa's shirt.

"Rosie," Lisa half moaned, pulling away from the other girl. "I'm sorry, I have to go" she buttoned her shirt back up, frowning and then kissing Rose's forehead softly. The girl followed Lisa to the door, trying to make to stay a little bit longer. Alex was not there to help Lisa by holding Rose back since she had to go back to her college for some extra lessons. "I'll be back soon," she ran down the stairs and her excitement for her first legit job was very much obvious. The place that she was going to be mostly trained was a walking distance away from her apartment, just two or three blocks away.

People's eyes were on Lisa that was walking down the streets of Seoul in her uniform. As she was walking, she noticed a small boy looking up at her with a big smile painted on his face. The kid must have had a thing for people in uniforms since his eyes then landed on a police officer in duty to whom he ran towards with his small arms stretched out, hoping for a hug. Lisa smiled to herself at the cute sight and kept on walking when she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. Thinking that it was probably Rose calling her to make her come back, she ignored it until the vibration stopped. Lisa was nervous enough on her own, she didn't need Rose to make it worse. Her heart was racing once she was finally standing right outside the place she was going to work and after filling her lungs with fresh air she walked in the store.

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