chapter sixteen

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Everything got quieter as the sun was starting to hide behind the small countryside mountains, letting only a few beams of light come through and hit the moving train. It was enough to light up the small cabin where Jennie was sitting in, her filled with tears eyes looking out of the window, trying to take her mind off of things. It felt like her body was frozen, like everything inside her had died, no emotion going through it. The light sound of the train tracks was the only thing that broke the silence in the warm familiar cabin. Jennie sighed, a silent pain that she felt all over her arms and hands bringing back Lisa's cries, begging her to stop the punching. Images of her fists landing on Lisa's face and sides were constantly popping in her head like small flashbacks and Jennie couldn't help the tears that escaped her eyes. She hated herself for hurting Lisa again, like the poor girl hadn't have enough already.

Lisa's unconscious body was laying on the opposite side of the cabin, her arms bruised, her face full of small cuts that were probably caused by the rings that Jennie was wearing on her fingers. Jennie tried to hit her a few times, enough times so the other girl would pass out just so she would be declared dead by the other men standing in their living room. It was her last chance to save both Lisa and her, to be honest she didn't care that much about surviving, she only cared about saving Lisa. If it was up to her, she would rather take the bullet in her head than hurt Lisa anymore but if she took that road both of them would've most likely ended up dead now.

They were now in a train heading to Daegu where Alex and Rose were moving into a new apartment in the south. Jennie's plan was booking plane tickets to New York for Lisa and her since she knew the city better than any other USA state. New York had been Jennie's first escape when she had decided to run away on her own, leaving Korea for good, or maybe that's what she thought she'd do. After Alex contacted her and Jennie found out about Lisa hanging out with Eliza she booked the first flight and returned to Seoul, ready to finish her business once and for all. But Lisa had friends something that would make it an even harder decision to make and no matter what Lisa's choice would be she would fully respect it. If Lisa decided to stay with her friends, Jennie would make sure to keep her safe, she would find a way.

Jennie saw the other girl making small movements, waking up slowly and wincing in pain having trouble moving properly due to the sharp pain that was caused by Jennie's punching. "Take it easy," Jennie said and immediately moved next to her, helping her get up. Lisa, grabbing onto Jennie's hoodie, she struggled to move, the pain that was going through her body stronger compared to anything else she had ever felt in her life. "I got you, I'm here" Jennie reassured her, her arms sneaking behind Lisa's body and bringing her closer to her own, using her own body as a way to keep Lisa up. The taller girl seemed completely lost for a while, reality hadn't sunk in yet.

"Am I dead?" Lisa asked, her eyes already locked with Jennie's, instantly noticing that Jennie must have been crying before she had woken up. Her head was spinning as the last thing she remembered was Jennie's constant punching and it was almost like she could feel it all over again.

"No, you're not dead Lisa," Jennie laughed and her hand was now holding Lisa's, the eye contact never breaking. "You're very much alive, thank God" she said and rested her head on Lisa's shoulder, closing her eyes for a minute. Lisa on the other side sighed, the throbbing pain she felt all over her face with every facial movement she made caught her off guard. Jennie of course noticed Lisa's struggle and she gently touched her face, avoiding every little cut so she wouldn't hurt her. "I'm sorry about that, don't move much okay?" Jennie smiled even though it was killing her on the inside. Lisa nodded and went back to staring in the distance while Jennie rested her head on her shoulder again.

Lisa's questions had only multiplied now that they were on the run once again. Everything was so complicated and even though Jennie liked to think that she had it under control, Lisa could see right through her, she knew that Jennie was more scared than Lisa was and that the next bad thing was right around the corner. She tried to hold back but maybe that's what Jennie needed, a kind of shock therapy. Lisa believed that Jennie had to understand, had to see what all this was doing to Lisa and everyone else around them. Jennie needed to know that all this had internally broken Lisa. She wanted to fight the urge to put the blame on her since right now it wouldn't be the best idea, considering the vulnerable state they were both in. "What's wrong?" Jennie looked up, whispering in Lisa's ears and sending chills down her entire body.

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