chapter eleven

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"She's dead"

After Alex's shocking news regarding Jennie, Lisa collapsed in the restaurant. Everything around her got dark, her head was spinning, and she could hear Eliza calling out her name as she was laying on the floor, passed out. Her heart had just broken into million pieces and her body couldn't handle the instant pain and panic she felt. Jennie is dead. Lisa didn't know how Alex could've known something like that, but she was sure that she must have done a lot of digging to find that out.

Having passed out, Lisa was rushed to the hospital with an ambulance, Eliza always by her side. Rose and Alex rushed to the hospital too, afraid for their friend's health. Lisa was put in the emergency ward, the doctors saying that it was just the instant panic that made her lose her senses. If only she could see herself, she would hate how she looked. Lisa never liked hospitals; she despised the whole idea of it since you had to be sick to go there. She was now laying on a hospital bed, the only thing breaking the white tone of the room, her brown hair. Rose and Alex occasionally walked in the room to check up on her, both of them waiting for her to wake up. Eliza on the other side hadn't stepped in the room at all, refusing to see his best friend, his little sister as he called her, in that state.

In the room, Lisa was finally stable enough, so her senses had started to come back after a couple hours. The blinding light above her head didn't quite help her open her eyes. Everything around her was a total blur the only thing that stood out, a dark-haired figure sitting in one of the sofas in the room. Lisa tried to focus on it by squinting her eyes, but it only made it worse. "Don't force yourself" a voice appeared while Lisa had her eyes closed again. "Take your time."

"Rosie?" Lisa called out and she immediately felt a hand stroking the side of her face. Opening her eyes as much as she could, Lisa smiled once she saw her girlfriend standing beside her. "Hey" she softly said and kept smiling at her.

"What happened to you?" Rose asked as her fingers played with Lisa's tangled up hair. "No one told me "She complained.

That was when Lisa remembered what had taken place in the restaurant, when Alex called her. She was having dinner with Eliza and his family, all of them having a great time meeting each other. Lisa also remembers how excited she was to be meeting BK himself, someone that everyone talked about when she was younger. She remembers thinking that even though him and his company have gone through so many threats, especially lately, he was still standing without giving up his empire. She was so amazed by his strength, who in their right mind would keep going when he gets bomb threats every other day? But Lisa also remembers Alex's words still echoing in her ears, her chest hurting at the thought only. Everything was coming back at her mind as a long flashback, every moment that she shared with Jennie. Every thought they shared with each other, every worry that they expressed when they had run off in Daegu together.

"You're literally something else," Jennie laughed, her elbow nudging Lisa's left side. The two of them were laying on the floor next to the bed, looking at the ceiling and getting to know each other a bit more. Their laughter was filling the room every time that Lisa would make Jennie laugh.

"What? It's not my fault the banana was there" Lisa kept laughing when two knocks were heard from the door. Getting up from the floor immediately, Lisa approached the door and her eyes landed on a young guy holding a tray of the things that Jennie and Lisa had ordered. After mouthing a polite thank you, Lisa closed the door behind her and sat back down next to the black-haired girl who was waiting patiently for her food. "Dumplings for miss Kim" Lisa joked and handed her the bowl of dumplings.

Opening the container of ramen, Lisa started devouring her portion when her eyes caught Jennie looking at her. The shorter girl was smiling while chewing on one of the dumplings, like a small puppy asking for attention. "I'm assuming you love dumplings" Lisa said after observing the way Jennie was taking down bite after bite. Jennie nodded as she swallowed her last piece of dumpling.

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