chapter eight

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It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and Lisa was laying on her bed with her reading glasses on and the last book of Harry Potter's collection, reading every page with passion. After a busy week of working and running errands she finally had time to relax and have some time for herself. Rose and Alex respected that move from Lisa's side completely since the girl had indeed worked really hard not only to get her job done but she had also helped them get some stuff done too. Alex needed extra help for research one of her professors had demanded and Lisa stayed up three nights in a row despite having to work the next day. In meantime Rose had to go all the way to Busan for a work interview and of course Lisa drove her all the way there after fixing her car a few days prior. It is only fair to say that Lisa had a full week.

Lisa looked up from the book to check the clock and she was shocked when she realized it was now 8 o'clock already considering she had started reading at 6, almost. Pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose she continued reading for a little bit before she was cut off by her bedroom door opening, Rose walking in and approaching her girlfriend on the bed. She found this Lisa the most adorable. Rose preferred Lisa with oversized casual clothes, her hair tied in a messy bun and wearing those cute but elegant reading glasses that made her look even more of an adult than she was.

"You're still reading?" Rose said in disbelief, kissing Lisa gently on the cheek. Lisa smiled at her softly, returning the kiss but this time she moved it a few inches, locking her lips with Rose's. "I thought you'd fallen asleep by now"

"No, I was determined to finish this bad boy first" Lisa said with a big smile on her face while referring to her favorite book collection. Reaching to her bedside table she placed it in one of the drawers, returning back to her sitting position. A smirk appeared on her face that Rose couldn't really read at all. "But now I'd rather do something else"

"And what is that?" Rose asked, still unable to read Lisa's facial expressions. Lisa laughed and her arms wrapped around Rose's waist, suddenly pulling her closer to her, their lips coming into contact instantly. It wasn't something intense, the kiss lasted for a while, both of them trying to make the most of it. And it sure felt endless when Lisa captured Rose's bottom lip with her teeth and things got a bit tense for a moment.

Lisa had pulled Rose on her lap, both of them breathing heavily when the door swung open and of course it was Alex. "OH GOD" Alex gasped and immediately turned her back to the couple sitting on the bed. Lisa and Rose burst into laughter with their friend's reaction of walking in on them making out. "IT'S NOT FUNNY" Alex yelled at them with her back still turned to them. "WHY ARE YOU SO HORNY FOR GOD'S SAKE" She said all serious but was soon affected by Lisa and Rose's laughter, bursting into laughter as well.

Once Alex eventually calmed down and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, Lisa's arms pulled Rose closer to her again. Their lips connected again for a few seconds before Lisa's phone started ringing, cutting off the kiss again. "It's okay babe," Rose said while being out of breath, "Answer it, I'll be in the living room" Lisa simply nodded, as she accepted the call.

"Lisa Park" She introduced herself since the number wasn't someone she knew or at least someone she had saved as a contact on her phone. It took the other person a while to answer but as soon as the man's voice was heard Lisa immediately knew she was talking with someone she hadn't seen at all the week that passed, Eliza. From the day Eliza had left her apartment after spending the night there, the two of them hadn't had the opportunity to meet up again or even talk to each other through the phone. It was strange since Eliza had told her she was gonna hear from him soon enough.

"What's my little sister doing?" He asked, his voice filled with excitement.

"I'm finally taking a break from everyday crap, you know" Lisa sighed, thinking again of what she had to go through the last week. "How about you bro?"

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