chapter eighteen

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Time was frozen. The sound of the clock ticking felt ten times louder than it should be. The rain kept pouring down and the view from the windows in the five storey apartment block was foggy and blurry. Jennie took her next breath as her body started collapsing, unable to keep up with the constant punches she was getting from the man that was standing in front of her. Deep down she was blaming herself, all of this was her own fault. Eliza looked so proud of himself for being able to hit a woman while she's tied up, otherwise he wouldn't have any chance. Lisa was forced to sit next to her, hearing Jennie scream out in pain and agony while she had a blindfold on, only imagining what the girl was going through. It was more painful that way.

Alex and Rose were starting to wake up, watching the horror that was taking place in front of them with their own eyes. They couldn't do anything either, they were in the same state Jennie was, tied up and restrained completely. Eliza had left his gun on the coffee table, using his own hands to finish what he had started a while ago, it would make him prouder to kill his own cousin with his own hands. Lisa couldn't see what was happening but putting together Jennie's screams and her friends' reactions she could tell that the girl was suffering in Eliza's hands. Her head was trying to think of a way to make it out of there alive, she couldn't let Eliza kill her for real this time, she had to save her once again.

"Fucking bitch!" Eliza yelled and his fist landed on Jennie's ribs, his hit so hard that Jennie could actually feel her ribs breaking a little bit at a time.

"No! Stop!" Rose was heard right after and the sound of her voice breaking also broke Lisa's heart too. She was not only putting herself in danger but her friends also. It was too late to take it back now, all she could do was find the right way to take Eliza down.

"Eliza, stop" Lisa spoke up, her voice steady and calm. Although she couldn't see him, she could feel his eyes staring right through her. "Please, don't do this, she's your own blood" Lisa said, trying to find a good reason to stop him from killing Jennie. Because he would, there's no doubt in that.

"What she is, is a traitor," Eliza said, his voice as calm as Lisa's. "You don't want me to do it?" He said after a couple seconds of silence, a smirk , that Lisa couldn't see, appearing on his face. "Do it for me" he approached Lisa and took her blindfold off, her eyes staying closed for a minute having trouble focusing on anything around her. Her heart dropped to her stomach when she saw the tragic image that was out for display in front of her. Jennie's whole face was bruised, blood dripping from her ripped lips that had also formed a kind of bruising around the edges. Her body was completely relaying on the chair that supported it, her hands tied up behind her back. She was still breathing, fighting to keep her senses and not let the pain take her out. Her willpower decreasing as the minutes passed. "What are you waiting for? She ruined your life too, didn't she?"

Lisa's head was blurry, like the windows of the apartment, the rain of thoughts blurred her mind. She could feel Eliza next to her, waiting eagerly for her first hit. "I can't do this, I won't do this" she said and her eyes focused on Jennie's body, her head now hanging low.

"Isn't she the one that left you? Huh? Isn't she the one that broke your fucking heart?" Eliza yelled at her, doing everything he could to convince Lisa but the girl hadn't even raised her fists yet. "She's the one responsible for destroying you! She hurt you, she's the person that you hated the most! Lisa, wake up!" He yelled again and again, growing impatient. He had a point, yeah Lisa was broken by Jennie, and she couldn't deny that Jennie was a big part of Lisa destroying herself but she didn't hate her, she didn't even think about hating Jennie.

"Shut up..." Lisa said under her breath. Eliza laughed, his words were obviously hitting a sensitive part in Lisa that could potentially break her willpower. Jennie held her head up, her eyes full of tears, looking at Lisa whose feelings started to get the best of her. She saw Jennie mouthing the words "do it" and her body flexing as much as she could, the pain that she was feeling making her immune to any other hit. According to her, she deserved this. Lisa shook her head, denying to do anything to hurt Jennie in any way. She could feel Eliza's intense stare on her and she was having trouble thinking straight.

"Let's ask her then" Eliza spoke up and walked up to his cousin, grabbing her hair intensely and lifting her head up so Lisa could see her face clearly. "What do you think, cousin?" He said in a mocking way, his left fist punching her stomach, causing her scream in pain.

"Stop!" Lisa yelled and jumped on him, her hands grabbing his face, her fingernails sinking into his skin and making him scream in pain as well. "You fucking bastard!" Lisa yelled again, her body still hanging onto Eliza's with all the strength she had left. While Eliza was screaming, his face bleeding due to Lisa's attack, the girl made sure to push him against the bookcase, making him lose his senses from the hitting his head too hard. Lisa's eyes focused on her two best friends that were tied up and seated on the couch.

"Untie her first" Alex said as Lisa was ready to approach them. Lisa looked at them confused but she soon nodded, turning to the girl behind her and untying her bruised body. Jennie who seemed to be unconscious as well, was successfully put on the couch and before she had realized her friends were untied as well. "It's going to be okay" Alex reassured her and Rose's arms were wrapped around Lisa's as well bruised body, holding her close.

"Rosie..." Lisa whispered but the other girl stopped her. Her lips locking with hers for just a few seconds.

"Don't say anything, I know, Alex told me" Rose smiled at her, and resting her head on Lisa's chest while the two of them enjoyed being wrapped in each other's arms. Lisa pulled back, looking around in the apartment, her eyes immediately falling on Eliza who had started moving once again. A loud bang was heard that made both Lisa and Rose jump on the spot. "Unnie!" Rose called out in shock when she saw her standing above Eliza's dead body, his own pistol in Alex's hand.

"Oh my God, what did you do?" Lisa said, in shock as well, and ran up to her, the pool of blood around Eliza's head obvious. Her legs were trembling and she could feel her heart beating out of her chest. "Unnie.."

"You're safe now," Alex said, firing one more shot at him, her arm wrapping around Lisa's shoulder.

"We're all safe" Alex sighed and threw the gun on the side, her body that was still in shock approached Jennie and touched her gently, her eyes fixing on the girl's broken image.

"W-We need to go" Jennie managed to say in a low whisper, Alex that was standing right next to her nodding and looking for the other two girls that were sitting in the middle of the living room. "Now, Alex" Jennie said and her arms hugged her sides in pain as everything had started to settle in, the body in front of them laying in its own pool of blood while they stood there frozen.

"She's right" Rose spoke up,

"She's right we need to go now, and we need to go as far as we can possibly go"

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