chapter two

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"Psst" Jennie whispered and tried to nudge Lisa's tall body that was laying next to her on the narrow motel bed. "Psst... Lisa" Jennie tried one more time and this time she actually got a reaction out of Lisa. Moving uncomfortably beside her, Lisa's eyes began to open and focused on Jennie's small figure standing above her.

"What the..." Lisa said with her raspy morning voice.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Jennie laughed and lied back on the bed. "How'd you sleep?" She asked while poking Lisa's sides, tickling her.

"What the fuck happened?" Lisa asked confused and jumped out of bed, her eyes glaring down at Jennie laying on the bed. "Where the hell are we?" Lisa paced up and down the room, looking out of the window.

"Whoa, slow down there" Jennie stood up as Lisa was ready to peek out the window. "I wouldn't do that if i was you" Jennie said while closing the blinds. "Unless you want to get a bullet between your eyes." She then added and dragged Lisa back on the bedside.

"What the fuck are you talking about??" Lisa yelled. "What did you get me into??" She kept yelling and Jennie had no other reason other than shutting her mouth with her palm. "Stop it," Jennie sighed and looked at her eye to eye. "You're safe as long as we're together." Jennie tried to convince her but Lisa quickly pulled back to make her voice be heard again.

"That's bullsh-!" Lisa was ready to start yelling again but stopped as soon as Jennie shushed her. "You call jumping off a train safe?" Lisa asked, now calmer than a few seconds before. "Jen, that's what I call dangerous as fuck"

"It was your choice to follow me, remember?" Jennie spoke up, "I didn't ask you to sit by my side and comfort me" Jennie eventually snapped. "No one asked you to even talk to me, Lisa, so don't come saying that I dragged you into this!"

"I don't even know what I've gotten myself into," Lisa said, throwing her hands in the air. "Could you please at least explain to me what the hell is happening?" She said with pleading eyes, approaching Jennie a little bit more.

Jennie closed her eyes for a moment, taking everything in with a deep breath before she shook her head. "No, no, I can't" Jennie said truthfully. "At least not yet, the least you know, the safer you are" Jennie approached Lisa, standing in front of her. Her eyes locked with Lisa's for what seemed to be the 100th time in two days. "I'm sorry" Jennie sighed and she could feel a single tear rolling down her face. She immediately wiped it off and turned around.

"It's okay," Lisa stood up, following her steps. "It's just that...since I'm here, I would love to know why the hell we had to jump off a train and come to this..." Lisa stopped and looked around for a while before continuing " Damn motel"

"The fact you're here with a complete stranger doesn't scare you at all?" Jennie asked confused without facing the taller girl at all.

"Honestly, no" she simply said. "If I were to die, I think I would have by now" Lisa joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Okay then, we should get ready," Jennie said and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"Get ready for what?" Lisa who was now standing right outside the door, asked.

Poking her head out of the door slightly, Jennie gave Lisa a little wink and got back inside. With nothing else to ask, Lisa just followed Jennie's instructions and got ready for whatever was to happen. Lisa knew she should stop, she knew that by keep being by Jennie's side she was only digging her own grave a little bit deeper every time.

Yeah, she could stop and leave Jennie all alone with her problems and whatever she was running from but... There was something about her that made Lisa forget about every little thought that could pull her away from that girl. Lisa had to admit to herself that she already dug so deep and jumped in burying herself to death. You could say, it's too late now.


It must have been a couple minutes and a loud knock on the door startled Lisa who was currently getting dressed. Another bang, and another one. They kept going, the one louder than the previous. With a worried look ok her face and a heart almost beating out of her chest,Lisa swallowed down her fear and approached the door. Before she could reach out to open the door Jennie stormed out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" She ran to Lisa's direction holding her towel wrapped around her body.

"Miss Kim?" A man's voice made both of them jump up behind the wooden door.

Another knock.

"I gave your name" Jennie mouthed and stepped back. "They shouldn't know who I am" Jennie whispered, her voice trembling. "Shut the hell up and hide in the bathroom" Lisa whispered in her ear and all Jennie did was nod and ran back into the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, clearing her mind Lisa opened the door and she was immediately greeted by a tall man looking down on her.

"Miss Kim?" He asked, taking off his glasses to take a better look of her.

"Yeah? Can I help you with something sir?" Lisa played it off cool even though her insides were dying.

"You're miss Jennie Kim, right?" He asked all too confidently and took a step further.

"Actually, no" Lisa said, placing her hand on the man's stomach to stop him from entering the room. "I'm Lisa, but I can be your Jennie if you want" she added in a flirtatious way. "What do you need sir?" She winked.

The man in front of her looked at her up and down like some kind of pervert. "I'm sorry for bothering you miss, have a great day" he said and turned around only to literally run down the hallway and disappear down the stairs.

"What in the world was that now?" Jennie who was now out of her hiding spot said and got closer to Lisa. "If only you had talked to me like that yesterday and we wouldn't be partners in cri-." Jennie said and shut herself up before even completing her whole sentence.

"What do you mean by that?" Lisa asked as soon as Jennie finished her sentence getting a feeling that the other girl let something slip out of her mouth by the way she stopped talking.

"Nothing," Jennie shrugged it off and went on with getting ready.

"Are you really going to sit here and ignore the fact that someone is looking for you?" Lisa asked. No answer. "Jen? Are you in the mafia? Who was that guy?" Lisa kept bombarding the other girl with questions but still no answer. "Hey!" Lisa yelled at her across the room, finally catching her attention.

"What??" Jennie snapped back. "No I'm not in the mafia Lisa, fuck off, will you?"

"Oh, trust me I can fuck the hell off right fucking now" Lisa threatened her, her hand holding the door handle.

"Do it then, who the fuck is stopping you anyway?" Jennie heartlessly spat out. "Huh? What's stopping you??" She screamed and in a second she was standing in Lisa's face. "Tell me, Lisa, what's fucking stopping you from getting the hell away from someone you don't even know?!"

Lisa didn't say anything. Lisa in fact didn't even move. She wasn't scared of Jennie. She was just lost and captivated at the same time but anger was covering both of those feelings. Her heart stopped at Jennie's next words.

"Get out" She pointed at the door.

"No." Lisa responded.

"Get out. Now." Jennie this time opened the door and Lisa could feel her heart sinking.

"Before I kick you out myself." 

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