chapter seventeen

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For the first time in the whole month it was raining, something unusual for a city like Daegu where most of the time the sun would be proudly shinning down on the tall buildings of the city. It was quiet, the sound of the rain hitting the wide window on their cabin, where Jennie was cuddled up on Lisa's side, the taller girl running her fingers through her hair. Lisa had never imagined something like that would be possible, the first thing that came to her mind was how beautiful that moment was, how happy she was feeling not only for having Jennie in her arms again but for being with her in the cabin that started it all. Lisa also felt guilt, she still hadn't explained everything to Rose and she still hadn't ended things with her before starting something new with Jennie. But did she start something new or it was all because Jennie felt vulnerable and she was scared of being alone again?

All kinds of thoughts were running around her head, along with a very bad feeling that was making her stomach turn. Usually she was right about things she was feeling, unfortunately or fortunately she had based decisions, important ones, on that particular feeling and sometimes it indeed worked for the better. While Lisa was too busy thinking about that feeling that made her stomach hurt, Jennie was starting to get up, looking for her clothes that were scattered all over the cabin since they had to get ready, the train had couple minutes until it reached its destination. Jennie had a pure smile painted on her lips, it's been a long time since she felt happy for real. "Someone is in deep thought," she said while putting on her hoodie and walked over to Lisa's side, sitting next to her again.

"I just have a bad feeling, you know?" Lisa said honestly, her stomach getting tighter as the minutes passed, making her feel even more uncomfortable. Jennie nodded, her hand immediately reaching out to hold Lisa's. "It's making my stomach hurt" she said and brought her knees closer to her upper body, trying to find a position that would minimize the pain.

"Let's go eat something before we go to Alex, how about that?" Jennie suggested, the idea didn't sound so bad since Lisa couldn't even remember the last time she had eaten something. The train had finally arrived after 6 hours had passed but the weather was not helpful at all, the pouring rain was sucking the life out of the city. The two girls collected their things, Jennie pulling both of the suitcases because she didn't want to tire Lisa out even more. The two girls walked from the train station to the heart of Daegu where all the restaurants and stores were,under the pouring rain, looking for a restaurant to have a descent lunch. After scouting the whole place Jennie spotted a nice and cozy corner place that served sushi and noodles, dragging Lisa by the hand, the taller girl just following Jennie's will.

"Whoa there!" Lisa gasped when Jennie almost tripped, too excited for the food that was awaiting them a few steps away. Lisa loved silly Jennie, the Jennie that didn't care about what anybody would say. It was funny to think that once they first met Jennie was so closed to herself and always kept a certain distance from Lisa, afraid to let her in but now, she seemed so free she and wasn't scared of being herself, at least in front of Lisa. She was bringing out this bubbly personality that Lisa had seen several times in the past and Lisa loved every second of it. She just loved seeing her happy.

Sitting down on a table, Jennie was so focused on the menu that she was biting her bottom lip, scanning the whole catalog in her hands. "Hmmm" Jennie hummed her eyes shooting up to Lisa who was looking at her that whole time. Acting surprised, Lisa turned her gaze to the rain that was hitting the streets with force. "I saw you looking you know," Jennie laughed and tried kicking Lisa under the table but her legs couldn't reach her since she's short and her feet barely touch the ground. Lisa burst into laughter, Jennie's frustration obvious on her face. "I'm leaving you to starve, I swear."

"So, what are you getting?" Lisa asked, her voice still cracking up from laughing. Jennie gave her an angry look just to laugh as well after a couple seconds.

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