chapter fifteen

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It was still impossible for Lisa to wrap her head around everything that had taken place in the past couple days. Even though it all felt like one of her well thought out dreams once again she would be pulled back into reality every time Jennie would walk through the door and she wouldn't fade away after a while. That's how it usually worked for Lisa, she would fall asleep and see Jennie coming to her sleep to talk or to make her re live certain situations. But the past two days Lisa would wake and Jennie would be sleeping on the couch next to her, just like she used to sleep three years ago. The two of them were left alone in one of Busan's most expensive hotels since Alex had to return to Seoul and pack hers, Lisa's and Rose's stuff so they would move into a new apartment in Busan. It was vital at this point for them, all four of them to stay as far as possible from Seoul, with Eliza roaming around the streets or the city were way too dangerous for all of them. Especially Jennie and Lisa. Alex even.

Lisa had offered to help but Alex denied, not wanting Lisa anywhere near their old apartment that, even her visit could put her life in danger and of course Jennie was not gonna approve of something like that either. Jennie even made sure that the security guards of the hotel would guard their room door and that they wouldn't let Lisa walk anywhere alone. She was determined to protect the person that she had broken into million pieces for so long, she knew she had hurt her more than anyone else but she wouldn't let anyone else hurt her again.

Lisa on the other side was still waiting for the explanations that Jennie owed her. Alex had tried answering some of her questions but most of them had to do with Jennie and her past, the only person that could answer them and had the right to do so was Jennie herself. There have been moments that Jennie wouldn't be missing for hours these two-three days, that Lisa would have her right in front of her but the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. Sooner or later though, she would have to talk to her, she had the right to know since it had affected her life so much the past three years. For now, Lisa was laying on the couch with her eyes glued on the TV screen while she was chewing the last bite of her kimchi sandwich. She had her black sweatpants on with a light pink hoodie, her hair on a loose ponytail and of course her glasses. Jennie had been gone for almost two hours and since she was alone she thought of watching her favorite show, Friends. It was crazy to think that someone was out there wanting to kill her and she was sitting in a living room watching Joey get his head stuck in a turkey.

She could never imagine her life would turn into a Hollywood movie, like, ever. If you think about it, it was a perfect scenario for a movie. She was the main character, she had a love interest and a bunch of people now coming for her. Although it sounds like a pretty amazing movie plot, it was all too real for Lisa who even though showed she was strong and willing to fight it in reality she was scared of something happening. Something bad. She could almost feel it coming soon but she just couldn't put her finger on it. The door of the room opened quickly, Jennie storming in the living room only to find Lisa layed on the couch watching TV. "Hey," Jennie said and Lisa could tell she was out of breath. After flashing her a smile, Jennie ran to the bedroom, taking out two suitcases. Lisa who had followed her was confused to see the two suitcases laying around.

"What's that? What happened?" Lisa asked immediately while Jennie through all the necessary things in both of them. " Jennie, I'm talking to you" Lisa said again once Jennie didn't respond to her first question.

"We need to leave" Jennie said in a rush, grabbing all of her things and everything that Lisa had with her, things that Alex had managed to bring to the hotel and threw them all in the suitcases. "We need to leave now, do you get me?"

Lisa didn't respond she just looked at the other girl with a confused look on her face that Jennie couldn't quite read. "Lisa! This is fucking important!" Jennie grabbed her so Lisa would focus on her. Lisa had no other option other than helping Jennie pack everything, for one more time she had no idea what was actually going on but Jennie had that ability to make her do things without thinking of the consequences. The two of them were still in the bedroom when a loud bang was heard from the front door, followed by heavy footsteps, Jennie instantly grabbing Lisa and shoving her in a corner of the room, keeping her into place with her own body. "Don't talk..." Jennie whispered into her ear, her hand reaching down and holding Lisa's in a form of comfort.

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